MU Things I Love
When you realize that a lot of other people have a peeve with someone with whom you have a peeve and that motivates you to just cut some ties you thought you'd be stuck with forever.
Sorry to anyone who is about to get caught in the splash zone of their unwillingness to accept it, tho.
- 8 days later
Seeing a player grow not only in terms of their RP, but so they're reaching out and mentoring other, newer players and even becoming willing to GM for people. It's so incredibly cool to see someone grow more //confident// OOCly in ways that translate IC and it feels like it makes the whole game environment a little better for it.
- 10 days later
When someone starts shit-talking you on channel, and you aren't there to either refute them or clear up any misconceptions, and other people step in and defend you. Especially when that defense comes from people you would never have thought had a positive impression of you.
Those times that your friends encourage/enable you to do something that could be disastrous in RP. But they are so fun.
@thesuntsar is literally the GREATEST PERSON EVER.
(Also @apos for everything Norwood-secret related that led up to this.)
I could not be happier.
- 8 days later
Ironwool bathing suit
@silverfox Whyyyyyyyyyyyyy?
This post is deleted! -
that sounds so uncomfortable!
@reversed said in MU Things I Love:
@silverfox said in MU Things I Love:
Ironwool bathing suit
Was strongly considering ironwool Red Sonja
My new favorite Arx truth is "Red Sonja is Oathlands fashion."
I mean honestly Oathlands played to the hilt is aggressive honesty plus armor in fashion so yeah.
I stand behind my statement 100%, despite @SuperiorHuron not being able to fully bear it.
Will be thinking of you when you get the Itch!
@saosmash said in MU Things I Love:
aggressive honesty
Wait I've been doing something thematically???
- 13 days later
After a couple weeks of idle discussion, and some back and forth about what kind of character they should play, finally got to play out a particular storyline I've been wanting to do for literal years. And it's with a friend who hadn't really gotten to RP much up until recently.
It's pretty good and it's been everything I've hoped for.
This is how I feel reconnecting with someone who is just hella fun to play with. @L-B-Heuschkel
@silverfox I am so utterly excited that we are playing together again!
10/10 would get deliberately or accidentally murdered by anytime!