"How dare you make me do work 7 days before I expected to have to do work!"
Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
I am so ticked off by the fact that I'm getting charged $520 for turning my apartment keys in despite having signed an agreement to pay rent till August 1st.
I went full Karen tonight and will be doing it at the boss tomorrow. Not ONCE was I warned, "Hey, you turn this in and we charge you x." I am ticked. I am about to go down and demand my keys back and I'll keep them till August 1st to save myself $500.
Wait, what? Why are you getting hit with a charge for turning in your keys and moving out a few days early?
What kind of utter stupidity is this?
@Ganymede said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
Wait, what? Why are you getting hit with a charge for turning in your keys and moving out a few days early?
What kind of utter stupidity is this?
The actionable kind one hopes.
@silverfox said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
I am so ticked off by the fact that I'm getting charged $520 for turning my apartment keys in despite having signed an agreement to pay rent till August 1st.
I went full Karen tonight and will be doing it at the boss tomorrow. Not ONCE was I warned, "Hey, you turn this in and we charge you x." I am ticked. I am about to go down and demand my keys back and I'll keep them till August 1st to save myself $500.
We should do like in the Irish proverb and [Redacted] at your landlord.
Literally seven days.
More generally and not @tted at someone: That was icing on the shit cake I got about next school year. It is taking all of my self control top not call my principal and and sob. I get she is just trying to do her best with a terrible hand but I just can't even.
"How dare you make me do work 7 days before I expected to have to do work!"
My grandmother can somewhat talk now. She's recovering, I got to talk to her on the phone.
After a nearly life long battle with PCOS giving me insulin resistance and a whole host of other problems...
I was diagnosed as diabetic yesterday and today I begin my uphill battles.
@nyctophiliac said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
After a nearly life long battle with PCOS giving me insulin resistance and a whole host of other problems...
I was diagnosed as diabetic yesterday and today I begin my uphill battles.
I got diagnosed as pre diabetic last Fall. Haven't had insurance in six months so I dunno where things stand now. But I am there with you.
@nyctophiliac Routine is the rough part for me here, and the diet changes, everything has so much sugar. Good luck. All the support.
@Auspice Same.
Take care of yourself.
Yes. Sugar and carbs everywhere. Thankfully I have a supportive husband to see me through. Went grocery shopping and he even refused to go down the sweets/chip isle. I may not have insurance but at least he got my back.
After several months gyms opened again in the GTA which was frankly the best thing that's happened to me lately.
I didn't know how much I needed that me time. Part of it is just getting under a bar and browsing reddit between sets to take my mind off work, but it's also the way it affects what I eat and how I spend my personal time; without having something to strive towards I let good other habits slide.
The letter has been written.
The money order has been purchased. Turns out I don't have to pay for additional shipping, the fee includes shipping back to me.
All I need is the envelope big enough to hold 8"x10" and maybe 3/4" thick worth of paper.I need to make a couple of labels, get my hands on appropriate envelopes, and get it in the mail.
- 22 days later
Is this the right place to wonder about how anyone else is handling the NTI/digital school year shit? My kids start tomorrow. I'm strangely anxious about it.
I am not handling it (as in I'm not really involved in it), however it is a good place to post and it's not strange. This is VERY anxiety causing and 2020 can be done now.
@SinCerely We are preparing to muddle through as best we can. Our college freshman will do fine. My twins are seniors in high school this year, one will do fine the other struggles with distance learning and I am very worried. The youngest is going into 1st grade, and can read/do math above his grade level but is completely uncivilized at this point, but if we even make it into a school building this year, which I have my doubts that will happen, he won't be the only one.
I lose sleep over the non-great distance learner and am prepared to seek a new job if necessary so that I can be available. He really wants to go to college now so maybe that will help, but.
There is little to no support or flexibility for families where all parents in the household must work during the morning hours. None. No flexible check ins. We will have mu college student until late September to help out with the 6 year old but after that...I'm not sure.
My anxiety has died down knowing that the teachers are doing everything they can.
@Ganymede I'm definitely not worried about the teachers. Between communicating and reaching out and interviewing each kid leading up to tomorrow, I'm really happy with the teachers. It's maintaining my side of things, I'm not a very good teacher. I'm worried I'll fail my kids somehow.
Eta: 'fail' as in, 'Let them down', not 'fail' as in 'flunk'. Or... Shit, maybe both?
I am a shitty teacher to little kids, which came as a shock to me because I had always wanted to be a grade school teacher when i was younger but wow is everyone lucky that did not happen. I just do not have the patience for it. Grade school teachers are SAINTS.
We'll be full-remote with a first grader who was already assigned to a literacy group because...well we're not sure if it's an actual learning disability or if she just gets bored and it's nearly impossible to tell at this age. I'm PRETTY sure what they flagged her for (not knowing all her letter sounds) was incorrect and that when they sat her down to do all 26 letter sounds she got bored and started just saying "I don't knoooooow" so they'd leave her alone and let her go do an art activity. They were supposed to evaluate her starting in April buuuuuut...
So I'm terrified. I'm terrified she's going to fall further behind, I'm terrified that I don't have the patience to encourage her like her teachers would be in school since I'm also working. But we've got another two whole weeks until school starts I believe. And I'm not so sure our teachers won't strike about having to go into the classroom even if they're teaching remote so. I guess I'm glad that she only got a couple months of school so she doesn't really know what she's missing yet?
@Ganymede said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
My anxiety has died down knowing that the teachers are doing everything they can.
As a teachers of 2nd and 3rd graders (7-8 years old) I appreciate hearing that.
We're 100% doing the best we can and every ounce of grace we can be extended is a godsend. I've had an anxiety attack evert day this week and honestly, my zoomm this morning was a total dumpster fire. I needed to be able to troubleshoot with every kid... and I couldn't do that.
Please go away COVID.