@Roz Very much so, re: meant well, failed. ***NSFW content***
On the whole, it is an incredible testament to how bias shapes perception even among those with good intent. The foster moms at one end of the scale, not able to believe because their own experiences and how they conveyed them were so different from Marie's, and the cops who see 'a societal dropout/problem child' and make far more crass and brutal assumptions.
It is definitely one of the things I've talked privately about with some fellow survivors over the years -- of any sort of criminal or abusive behavior. Many who came forward went through various forms of revictimization, and the series really shows what a broad spectrum that is. It isn't just the nasty public grilling in the media or on the stand at trial that people typically think of immediately, and in some ways, the less visible interactions can be significantly more scarring, because they don't happen at the hands of strangers, but by those in whom we've put our faith to help and support us when we need them.