Aug 25, 2020, 4:22 PM

I would throw out to you Mr-Johnson that I don't think the problems lie in the 'niche' factor. In fact I'd submit that it may not be a bad thing. If you look at the huge supers games it's easy for people to get lost in them (happens to me constantly and so I drift away from them).

A small directed game isn't bad but that's the problem, the direction. Are you creating an environment for people to just be in? Are you looking to have a storyline that plays out and evolves?

I know something I learned with @auspice on SGM was that we tried to do both, we wanted to have a story that played out (and things fell apart when RL swallowed us up) but also wanted an environment for players to be in. Turns out I think that doing both just didn't work for us. Having visited your games before, the environments were interesting, the niche not being the problem. But after awhile just RPing in those environments (for me) wasn't enough, I needed something happening to get involved with. Iunno, just some early morning thoughts.