Peeve: First day back at school (online courses only - BWAHAHAHA social-isolation continues) jitters.
@SixRegrets Seems to be global.
(Also, you were right).
@Wretched Who....are the ones from 65-80 then?
Applying to two programs for PhD. The more prestigious one doesn't want a GRE. The other one does. Fuck the GRE.
Peeve: Depression sucks, and right now it's saying I shouldn't bother with much of anything, especially MU*ing.
Thanks for listening.
You can do it! You're way smarter than me, and I managed it. Just brush up on your high school math. It asked me to multiply logorythms and all I could remember is that you add something instead of multiplying.
I concur with Ominous, but you may be able to get a pass on the GRE if you've been working for a while or have another professional degree or certification. E.g., I got into a graduate program for economics with zero background in economics and no GRE because I had my J.D.
@Ganymede I already have a MA from a prestigious university. I'm just switching fields, so I need to take a second MA on the way to PhD
@tek said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Applying to two programs for PhD. The more prestigious one doesn't want a GRE. The other one does. Fuck the GRE.
I had this experience with the GMAT applying to business school this spring. Three out of the four programs I had applied to had accepted me when the fourth one was like "Nah, girl, not sorry!" on denying my GMAT waiver.
They still contact me asking if I'm interested in finishing my application, despite telling them to withdraw my candidacy because I was starting a program elsewhere.
Peeve: First day back at school (online courses only - BWAHAHAHA social-isolation continues) jitters.
You are allowed to be human! Cut your brain some slack! This pandemic shit is traumatic.
@badger What @sunny said. You're allowed to be human and have jitters. It's totally normal!
@Sunny said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
You are allowed to be human! Cut your brain some slack! This pandemic shit is traumatic.
I concur.
I, however, am not so allowed.
Just because I choose not to argue with you about this does not mean that I think that you're right. So that we are perfectly clear, here.
@Sunny said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Just because I choose not to argue with you about this does not mean that I think that you're right.
That's not how the internet works.
@Sunny said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Just because I choose not to argue with you about this does not mean that I think that you're right. So that we are perfectly clear, here.
My dog died last night. I didn't think I'd take it this hard, but I am.
2020 sucks balls.
@chibichibi So sorry for your loss. It sounds like it was unexpected?
I'm sorry for your loss.
@GreenFlashlight Very unexpected. He got hit by a car and died almost instantly. He was a little guy. We buried him in the backyard this afternoon. A lady found his body and called us saying she put it on the side of the road.
@chibichibi I am so so sorry, that is a horrible way to lose a pet.