@Wizz Wow. That guy must feel like a real man now, having the guts and bravery to cuss out an eight year old. Much awe, so alpha, amaze.
@SixRegrets said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
'Cancel culture' is nothing more than the right's latest replacement for 'political correctness'.
It honestly isn't just that.
There absolutely is a history of internet overreaction to a misunderstanding that results in suffering for innocent people.
@SixRegrets said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
'Cancel culture' is nothing more than the right's latest replacement for 'political correctness'
Cancel culture originates from Black twitter spaces. It was taken from this space (some would rightfully argue stolen) and has been misapplied in a lot of profound ways that are far from it's original use and intention. This comment really seems to communicate the idea that you seem not actually very aware of what it is or where it comes from.
@GangOfDolls said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
This comment really seems to communicate the idea that you seem not actually very aware of what it is or where it comes from.
I'll go out on a limb and say that... at least 70% of people don't know where it comes from.
And what it is right now is a broad phrase that applies to almost any situation where there is the appearance of widespread ostracism or hate.
@Tinuviel That's an excellent point.
And I do agree that it gets applied in a lot of ways as it now exists, and some of those applications are fucking terrifying.
@GangOfDolls Un/fortunately that's the nature of language.
@GangOfDolls said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Cancel culture originates from Black twitter spaces.
Back in my day, we called it 'boycotting'.
@SixRegrets said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
'Cancel culture' is nothing more than the right's latest replacement for 'political correctness'. If you act like an asshole, you should expect consequences. Contra's bigoted bullshit re: transmedicalism and being best buddies with Buck Angel are more than reason enough for the rest of the transgender community to 'cancel' her.
Except ContraPoints never said anything transmedicalist, nor was she aware with Buck Angel's views at the time of asking him to voice one line in her video (after he approached her saying he was a fan and suggesting for a collaboration), nor are they best buds, having never communicated prior to that point.
And even if none of that was true, and she was, indeed, a transmedicalist best bud of Buck Angel, it doesn't justify the targeted harassment campaign and hate mob she received, or that endured by anyone she's ever been associated with for failing to publicly cancel their friend over a single misstep.
ContraPoints never asked to be on a pedestal, but that's where society puts marginalised voices when they speak up, expecting them to now act as a token representation of their entire community. (She has repeatedly said she doesn't want this.) A single crack in that pedestal gets the hatred they endure amplified, and now not only are they not the best, goodest angel in the world, they're the worst evil demon bitch monster who must be destroyed. This is purity politics and it's shit for everyone involved, especially since it almost always targets people who are actually trying, and it disproportionately affects marginalised voices rather than hegemonic normies. Has anyone cancelled Brad Pitt for, I don't know, not going out of his way to speak up for gay rights and Black Lives Matter or something? No. Even Stephen King has to say the literal bare minimum of "trans women are women" for people to clap and hail him as a hero despite a long history of being a bumbling boomer with foot-in-mouth disease.
@Ifrit said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@Roz said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Yeah, I think this is pure business. "People aren't gonna wanna watch a movie about a pandemic during the midst of COVID-19, so let's do something else, because what we are doing is making a movie to sell and make money."
This is actually one of my biggest problems with this idea of 'cancel culture'. Really, as far as I can tell, it's just capitalism in operation. If I don't like an author, I don't buy their books. If enough people do that, they become unprofitable. If a movie's themes don't interest me, or I have moral issues with some part of it, I don't go and see it. If a studio thinks that a certain theme won't make enough money, they just won't make the film.
No one's getting cancelled, they're just not making money.
Capitalism sucks.
@SixRegrets said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
'Cancel culture' is nothing more than the right's latest replacement for 'political correctness'. If you act like an asshole, you should expect consequences. Contra's bigoted bullshit re: transmedicalism and being best buddies with Buck Angel are more than reason enough for the rest of the transgender community to 'cancel' her.
I mean. I guess if you define being best buddies as "getting the idea to ask someone to read a VO line, and them agreeing." yikes
@Tinuviel said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
I'll go out on a limb and say that... at least 70% of people don't know where it comes from.
Although if we ask ourselves "this thing is popular with The Youngs of America, where did it come from?" at any point in the last century or so, lacking evidence to the contrary, we're usually safe to assume the answer is "black people."
@insomniac7809 said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@Tinuviel said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
I'll go out on a limb and say that... at least 70% of people don't know where it comes from.
Although if we ask ourselves "this thing is popular with The Youngs of America, where did it come from?" at any point in the last century or so, lacking evidence to the contrary, we're usually safe to assume the answer is "black people."
True enough. Though I am loathe to adopt such an Amero-centric world view.
So how about them ps5 preorders, yeah?
@Ganymede Damn yous!
I am so angry I am shaking. Our new neighbor and his family were outside when my son went out to play in the yard by himself, and when Kiddo saw the dude wasn't wearing a mask he said that he should, and the guy cussed him out. A grown man, to an eight year old kid who was just trying to make sure everyone was safe.
Kiddo didn't confront him and came home right away, and I've tried to make sure he understands that he's not at fault and I'm glad he did not get upset back, but I do not know what to do with my anger. Confronting the asshole would be pointless at best, I already know this. Just...goddamn it, I fucking hate people sometimes.
@Wizz Wow. That guy must feel like a real man now, having the guts and bravery to cuss out an eight year old. Much awe, so alpha, amaze.
@Wizz said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
I am so angry I am shaking. Our new neighbor and his family were outside when my son went out to play in the yard by himself, and when Kiddo saw the dude wasn't wearing a mask he said that he should, and the guy cussed him out. A grown man, to an eight year old kid who was just trying to make sure everyone was safe.
Kiddo didn't confront him and came home right away, and I've tried to make sure he understands that he's not at fault and I'm glad he did not get upset back, but I do not know what to do with my anger. Confronting the asshole would be pointless at best, I already know this. Just...goddamn it, I fucking hate people sometimes.
First, that neighbor is a turd, and I hope your child isn't taking this to heart.
Second, do you believe it would be worth your time to confront your neighbor about it? Not to try to change his mind, but it could be a good idea to make sure he knows he can't get away with attacking your children.
@Wizz said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Confronting the asshole would be pointless at best, I already know this.
"Confronting the asshole" sounds a lot like "demanding an apology" or "demanding an explanation." If so, yes, it would be pointless.
Politely telling the asshole that you and your family will not hesitate to kick the shit out of him if you hear he cussed out your kid again is something completely different. Also, it is not considered menacing in the State of Ohio because it is a conditional threat. Bring along a posse of your biggest friends when you go over.
Now, if you're in for petty, satisfying revenge, figure out if the new owner is renting. If so, figure out who the landlord is and where to contact them. Let the landlord know that you're a neighbor and will pass on information. Then pass on information about the most petty bullshit possible. Truthfully, mind, but just keep on informing the landlord once every two days about everything from the lawn not being kept to visible trash to noise complaints. If you see the neighbors smoking on their stoop, don't forget to tell the landlord that you think they are smoking inside too!
Following the petty bullshit formula, you may have a new tenant very shortly.
@Ganymede said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Politely telling the asshole that you and your family will not hesitate to kick the shit out of him if you hear he cussed out your kid again is something completely different. Also, it is not considered menacing in the State of Ohio because it is a conditional threat. Bring along a posse of your biggest friends when you go over.
I envy your laws sometimes.
Here that's intimidation and we have all sorts of bullshit case law on it.
@Derp said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Here that's intimidation and we have all sorts of bullshit case law on it.
Yeah, some people can't do that.
But you can do the petty bullshit revenge.
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck we are all so fucked.