@saosmash said in How are you coping with COVID (and other 2020 fun)?:
oh fuck I better find some CLEs to do...
National Constitution Center podcasts often count as CLE.
I'm home puking my guts out today, still recovering from the death of another friend, and not little miss sunshine and -- apparently somehow nuked a friendship today by being snarky on accident. And I just don't have the coping skills right now to handle this constructively. To handle ANYTHING constructively. Getting through this is hard.
@sunny This is so rough, I'm sorry.
@Rinel Ditto what Gany said. I can't blame you at all for having to stop the work you were doing - it was so emotionally taxing and so much investment even when the world was only normal amounts of gone to shit. I'm glad you're keeping your license up (oh fuck I better find some CLEs to do...).
You were fighting a very hard fight. This is not failure, it's tactical withdrawal. You'll live to fight another day, maybe in a different way, but somehow. You've had results to be proud of, and you changed lives in concrete ways.
I don't know what a solo defense attorney in a jurisdiction you don't practice has to offer you, but if you come up with something I'm here.
@saosmash said in How are you coping with COVID (and other 2020 fun)?:
oh fuck I better find some CLEs to do...
National Constitution Center podcasts often count as CLE.
@derp I've been so bad about it this year, I'm terrified of my reporting period ending next year. Last time I ended up having to forcefeed myself like... 18 hours of downloads about weed law that was barely peripherally related to my practice. Maybe I'll be smarter in 2021.
Cannabis helps.
@cassite It's so stupid, because they could make a KILLING in taxes.
@cassite said in How are you coping with COVID (and other 2020 fun)?:
Really hope they legalize/decriminalize it federally at some point so I can partake without risking my job.
As a note: It can still risk your job, even if it's decriminalized. Your employer can set a zero tolerance policy on anything, really. They do all the time with alcohol and tobacco.
Just saying, legalization isn't the end of the battle.
@cassite I honestly can't wait for psilocybin mushrooms to be decriminalized. They have basically cured my depression with one moderate dose every three months. It used to be that my psych meds kept my depression just in check enough to keep me from killing myself or just being in bed all the time. Now? They 100% control my depression and I get to experience what it's like to not be depressed, and my brain is physically unable to have suicidal thoughts, which is INCREDIBLE, as I have had suicidal thoughts as background noise in my brain ever since I was a kid.
@sunny said in How are you coping with COVID (and other 2020 fun)?:
-- apparently somehow nuked a friendship today by being snarky on accident.
I hope your friend understands the stress that you're under and just needs a short break.
Because my opinion is that friendships do not get nuked by accident; someone ends it by calculation.
@tek said in How are you coping with COVID (and other 2020 fun)?:
@cassite It's so stupid, because they could make a KILLING in taxes.
More or less than they make from the free labor they get from prisoners?
@greenflashlight OOF. Yeah. Good point. (Fuck prisons, I'm a prison abolitionist)
Our reporting is required yearly, but it's only 12.5 hours and it doesn't have to have anything to do with what we practice, which is why I spent a day three weeks ago listening to 4 hours of how to set up business entities in such a way as to reduce tax liability.
And thank you for your kind words. It was a combination of the work and the workplace. Once I'm better, I'll return to the fight in some manner or other. My character comes by her ornery stubbornness honestly.
If you want to delve into another area, maybe I can help you get into that field from afar.
Personal injury law can be lucrative and isn’t difficult to monetize.
I’m mostly bewildered. If this was due to one stupid comment that was not even that bad, not 10 minutes after I said I was really struggling with shit...it makes zero sense. But if there were other cues or I should have picked up on something... I mean, I didn’t. It’s possible, but I can’t even begin to imagine why. But I was blocked, and it does not appear to have been a technical issue. I am really bad at determining whether someone is actually my friend I guess. Idk.
@sunny said in How are you coping with COVID (and other 2020 fun)?:
If this was due to one stupid comment that was not even that bad, not 10 minutes after I said I was really struggling with shit...it makes zero sense. But if there were other cues or I should have picked up on something... I mean, I didn’t. It’s possible, but I can’t even begin to imagine why.
And that's okay.
So, the girl I first fell in love with was recently diagnosed with severe bipolar disorder. Meds and therapy help, but she has good and bad days. She's so anxious about it that she won't even let me call her. Or FaceTime her. And she's probably one of the most important people in my life.
On those bad days when shit's down and she gets snippy by text, I take a deep breath and handle it. I know she doesn't mean to say certain things, but even if she did, hey, I'm glad she's being honest with me. How me leaving our hometown hurt her. How being so far away is torture. It hurts me too. It makes me sad.
But I would never, ever, ever consider letting her just go. Never. I just tell her, over and over:
Yeah. I do have a friend like that left. Most of them have died at this point. Gotta be careful with the ones still around, amirite? Sigh. Getting old sucks a lot.
@sunny said in How are you coping with COVID (and other 2020 fun)?:
Gotta be careful with the ones still around, amirite? Sigh. Getting old sucks a lot.
Well, like, you matter to me.
I mean, we've never been friends friends. But we touch base, yeah? And I'm pretty sure when I was starting out in this hobby OVER TWENTY YEARS AGO, you were one of the first people I consistently page-talked with during awkward years.
I remember A2A. I remember TCbT. I remember you on Denver by Night. I remember you inviting me to KD. These are all important experiences in my life which probably helped shape who I am. I can't and won't forget that, even if it isn't something I talk about with my partner or my kids.
It's just one of the quiet things no one ever knows, and I'm okay with that.