@testament A good take on the spoon theory, really.
Run us out of spoons, we're gonna have to throw other things.
@tinuviel He's been banned on 3 more accounts, including his own Social Media Director's.
@botulism said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@tinuviel He's been banned on 3 more accounts, including his own Social Media Director's.
No, you. Not him.
Politics away.
Tried to go back to work after quarantine was up for covid... Within thirty minutes I had intense pain in my ribs mirrored in my back, and started coughing again.
Been in the ER for at least 3hr, have pneumonia caused by covid and can't go home for another hour because I had an allergic reaction to the ct contrast...
I live in a rowhouse, so if my neighbors are especially loud? I can hear it.
And one of them has been learning to play Für Elise, which their toddler finds fabulous, and starts banging along on the keys next to them.
This would be fine and even adorable except they have been doing this every day, for at least an hour a day, since fucking Thursday.
When you have to talk to the delivery driver, and he apologizes for the order being late. No big. But no one told me there was a very big part of my order missing. A large part that I compensated for with insulin.
So now I get to spend the next handful of hours or so, paranoid and afraid.
Know what sucks? Being braindead and wanting to go to sleep... and then realizing that the insomnia is biting hard tonight and sleep will not be coming for a good long while, but even a movie seems too much effort. I truly understand the Norman Sigh now. For it echoes within me.
Here's a general update on me:
Saturday night the ER diagnosed me with pneumonia from the covid, plus either a strained muscle or bruised rib from the coughing. I was ordered off work for another 10days, and given a 10day course of antibiotics. I wasn't ordered to quarantine anymore but I plan to anyway.
This morning I coughed up foamy, bloody liquid from my lungs (I felt the difference from when it comes from the sinuses). So we dropped Coconut off at bf's mom's place, so I can rest without having to take him outside in freezing weather while I'm recovering from pneumonia.
Rn, in gonna take a nap.
--- I've only really been half alive on Arx, but you can probably assume I'll be not around there a whole bunch.
I am not planning another trip to the ER right now, because I'm still breathing ok and don't require intubation nor am I running more than a mild fever.
You know what the worst thing about this whole last year(and going to this year)is? People weaponizing their own suffering. I can't count on how many fingers I've seen instances of "Shit/Life/Drama is hard for me right now, be nice to me." only for whatever person who said that turns around and acts like a gigantic asshole and treat everyone around them like shit. And then going back to hide behind a wall of "Oh but everything is so hard for me, remember."
And...I get it. To a point. Though if I talk about myself for a moment, I'm not excused either. Because I even pulled shit like that last week, and I kind of hate myself for it(read: I do). But I really think people, both online and offline because at this point, I see both at my job and online these days. It's half the reason(read: most) I left Facebook almost four years ago. And now it's just all the time. Or at least, it feels like it. I think what set me off to write this was the fact I just got off the phone with my brother, and boy, is that relationship a fun one.
It's just grating. There are many times, far too many times where I just want to start stating "Fuck you and fuck your feelings." By the sheer grace of patience I don't say it out loud.
@testament There's a very big difference between venting and asking for a bit of sympathy, and between your misery giving you a free pass to be an asshole.
An asshole is an asshole, no matter what issues they have.
@l-b-heuschkel I definitely agree with you. And I'll freely admit the previously post was written out of anger/tiredness/apathy/etc. I should note that it's mostly fixated on one person who's been doing this for awhile now and it's just gotten worse in the last week(for obvious) reasons.
But yes, he's still a goddamn asshole.
@testament And that's kind of the point, indeed. We can feel sorry for someone and agree that their situation is shit, but that still doesn't mean they get to assign us to mop and bucket duty.
Ugh, this is such a big deal in the chronic illness communities I'm in. People who play I Am More Sick Than You and assume that everyone who might be not quite as miserable -- or whom they believe are not as miserable -- are always available to clean up, to offer a shoulder, to give them anything they want. Because they're sicker than you, yo.
It doesn't work like that. If anything, distress makes people show their true colours.
@l-b-heuschkel Someone on here, I forget who exactly, made an analogy to "I only have this many spoons in the drawer."
I only have enough spoons in the drawer for that kind of behavior. And after that, steak knives will be what comes next.
@testament A good take on the spoon theory, really.
Run us out of spoons, we're gonna have to throw other things.
I have literally had this conversation with four different people over the last week, in response to some things.
Offering an explanation is fine! It gives context. It gives understanding. It helps to highlight that the thing, whatever the thing was, was not intended maliciously.
But that's not the same thing as an excuse and it sure as hell is not the same thing as an apology. Especially when it's done repeatedly and the extension of understanding and patience is only expected to go one way.
Those people? Those people people can go fuck themselves. Sympathy is not a free pass to be a steaming pile of shit.
Imposter syndrome can eat my whole ass
@tek said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Imposter syndrome can eat my whole ass
Imposter syndrome is probably into that.
@aria said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@tek said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Imposter syndrome can eat my whole ass
Imposter syndrome is probably into that.
Yeah, but everyone secretly knows imposter syndrome is bad at it. And it won't be long until someone finally points out that imposter syndrome shouldn't actually be here, this is a place for professional and actual analinguists.