My sunburn has finally started flaking. I get the feeling when I wake up tomorrow, I'll wish I'd have waited another day to wash and change the bedsheets.
Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@aria said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
we're totally good as long as @insomniac7809 can still bang one out before breakfast.
Only one? I dunno... sounds like a sacrifice is being made here.
Picked my kid up from school today and I was floored to discover that nearly every single parent and child there walking around in the parking lot and on the grounds was not wearing a mask. This was easily fifty or sixty people milling around in close quarters and we're not even at 25% of our adult population fully vaccinated in this state.
And then I spot my kiddo making his way through the crowd, still wearing his little mask because I have patiently explained why it is still important, even if he pointed out his friends and their parents don't bother anymore.
I almost cried in a mixture of gratitude and frustration right there in my car. God, I am so tired of this.
That moment of heart-stopping panic when you accidentally like an old picture of someone. Counts double when you don't want them to know you were checking their profile.
Thanks a lot, random nightmare involving my ex-boyfriend that made me wonder what that asshole might be doing.
Well, @insomniac7809 is my new hero for the day, then.
Upset of the Day: Learned that my boy is being bullied by the class mean girl because he has stress-related alopecia and is looking a little bare in the front.
Comfort of the Day: Apparently, the school already has the mean girl on their radar and is gathering a file on her to present to her parents.
Lesson of the Day: To his sister: "I know I tell you to mind your business. You should mind your business when someone is doing something that isn't hurting anyone else. But if that someone is doing something that hurts anyone else, you can and should step in. And if that someone is hurting your brother, that is your damn business and you can step in and do what you have to. People hurting your family is always your business. Am I clear?"
Man. I would not wanna cross Mama Law-Lion-Bot. That is not a good place to be.
@derp He's pretty much awesome.
(Like, 98.3% of the time. Marriage is finding that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.)
@Ganymede wins parent of the day.
It upsets me because my boy is sensitive for an Asian boy. He likes Transformers and video games. Shit like this doesn't help because he has a tough time making friends to begin with.
My girl is sensitive too, but she flies into a rage at times. That's its own problem, but other kids don't try to push her around. She's also 4'5", weighs a healthy 75 lbs., and is in Grade 1.
@ganymede Your daughter in grade 1 is taller than I was until middle school.
I too, had an anger issue. I was a little raging Wolverine, at times when I got pushed too far. (who knew being abused would make me lash out. /s ) (That is obviously not her reason.)
But yeah. I remember some guy was starting with my older brother, when I was out with him somewhere. Getting in his face, and my brother was trying to defuse the whole thing, and telling the dude he was there with his little sister, his beef would have to wait.
I was 12 at the time, my brother was 17. I was like.. 4'7" ish? (I didn't hit five foot until junior year of high school) I marched up, because the guy was talking shit, saying my brother was a liar and just a chicken.
I may have taken it upon myself to slide right between them...and punch the dude in the goods. And then slapped him when he hunched over. My brother was shocked, speechless. All the other guys around? DYING with laughter. My brother's friends thought I was the best little bitch around, lemme tell you. I hung out with them a LOT, and didn't realize them all adopting me wasn't normal for a 12 year old with a bunch of teenagers.
But yeah. I hope girl unleashes righteous fury, if they don't leave boy alone. Siblings can pick on each other, but should fight like hell if anyone else does.
ETA: Jesus I haven't thought of that incident in years. I'm gonna go call my brother now. I have no idea why I'm all teary eyed.
@macha said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
I too, had an anger issue. I was a little raging Wolverine, at times when I got pushed too far. (who knew being abused would make me lash out. /s ) (That is obviously not her reason.)
Actually, she isn't really the angry sort. Based on her diagnosis, she has difficult controlling her emotions, quite literally. She can get very sad and very happy and very angry. I am told it is part of her spectrum, along with her uncanny ability with language (her Spanish teacher has told us she is nearly fluent at the first grade level for native speakers, and neither I nor my partner speak it any better than 'yo quiero taco bell').
I pity the fools that get her truly mad. Between TKD, hip hop dance, and biking an hour a day, she has legs of frackin' steel. I have no doubt that a kick in the groin to some poor boy would result in a hospital visit. Me, though, I don't really care, but, sometimes, if the wookiee wants a double-chocolate muffin, let the wookiee win.
I am so mentally fatigued. Helped (along with others) a rl friend get out of a bad bad situation over the last couple of days. I'm glad that this time law enforcement was kind, compassionate, and helpful. Everyone is now safe and will remain so at least for a couple of days and I am very grateful. Still having a very hard time quieting mama bear even though things are as ok as they're going to be for awhile.
That feeling when I know what to do, but I don't have the credentials behind my name to do it.
In a fight with my landlord at the moment. Asked that a shower door be installed at the new place. He was like 'Sure, find one you like and send me the receipts and we'll get it approved'.
So, did that. His asset manager came back and was like 'you are approved to install it at your own expense'.
Me: Wait, what? That is not what we agreed to.
Them: Oh, that was what we meant. You must have been confused.
Me: No, I was very much not confused. Why in the world would I need to send you receipts and any quotes from contractors just to get the installation approved at my own expense? No reasonable person would ever agree to that.
Them: Well, that is our policy. All documentation must be submitted before work is done, and it's done at your own expense.
Me: you hear yourselves? Like -- nobody, and I mean nobody, would ever agree to that. Nobody would believe, after the conversations in writing that we have had, that that was the agreement. You told me to submit these for reimbursement, I did.
Them: Not for reimbursement, no.
Naturally, it is far too late in the process to cancel them, and I cannot send them back. Part of me wants to send a demand letter, but I'm pretty much a nobody, and I don't know attorneys scary enough around these parts to ask a favor.
But these motherfuckers. Not even a month into this and I already have to start researching promissory estoppel on a contract too low to fall under the statute of frauds?
Ugh. It's gonna be a long year.
@derp said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Ugh. It's gonna be a long year.
Spend that time building up your Little Black Book, to enact terrible vengeance later when you're a big time lawyer!
@arkandel said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Spend that time building up your Little Black Book
You and I have very different ideas on what goes into a Little Black Book.
My sunburn has finally started flaking. I get the feeling when I wake up tomorrow, I'll wish I'd have waited another day to wash and change the bedsheets.
@ortallus blink blink bliiiiiiiink Wait, they're doing 5 weddings and putting the pictures in big magazines, and think they can get it done for exposure?!?!?
@macha said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@ortallus blink blink bliiiiiiiink Wait, they're doing 5 weddings and putting the pictures in big magazines, and think they can get it done for exposure?!?!?
And it's a fucking Netflix sponsored TV series. It's not like they don't have the money.