Shelter got a call from a woman about a kitten that was stuck in a fence and that she could see bone. No one else could go out. So the two head people are the shelter went out and rescued the kitten. Several vets wanted to euthanize the baby because the injury was so severe, but the shelter people weren't going for that. They had seen kittens hurt worse and pull through, plus this one despite the injury was fully active and engaging with them.
Found a vet that was willing to take the risk and check the baby out. Since the wound hadn't gone septic (I think that is the word?) they are going to do what it takes to get the baby to a point where they can amputate the leg. Since the kitten is so young he will do just fine growing up with the right home on three legs.
***=Baby Miracle (image contains bandages and tubes, nothing graphic.)***
The person who called about this baby also said that there were more kittens running around, so the shelter set a trap and caught four more (with maybe more to be caught.)
They are with me until a long term foster with fewer cats in the house comes back from vacation. They are very feral and will need lots of close love and attention to get over being afraid of people. ATM I won't handle the larger two without gloves.
Here is the only one that would let me take a picture.

I don't know if this is allowed, but the first kitten is going to cost between 7-10 thousand dollars to get back on his feet. If you know of anyone looking to donate, let me know, and I'll shoot you the shelter's donate link.