@cobalt oooooo nooooooo, i have fallen over with my tummer exposed and cant get up, i sure hope no one comes along while i am helpless and wubs my belly
The Dog Thread
@macha said in The Dog Thread:
But I mean.. How can I not love this face?
ETA: And yes, that's his own queen size comforter he 'confiscated' When I was putting a new bedding set on the bed.Yours has your comforter. Mine has my beanbag lol.
@derp But dat faaaaaaaace
@derp Don't I know it.
If it's any consolation to any of you with elderly dogs....
Dude. I cancelled my own PT because I didn't want to pay $100 a session, three times a week, for two months.
I did, however, just drop $200 on PT for my guy, whose breed sometimes only makes it to 10-12 and he's currently 11. Because he's otherwise healthy, I absolutely can't bear the thought of mobility issues in a multi-story rowhome being the reason we lose him.
They showed me some very simple exercises that I would be happy to explain to you if your little fuzzballs are having back leg weakness that are pretty easy and might help them strengthen up a bit. We're going to start tomorrow because he's all tuckered out from his massage and laser treatment, so he's currently sleeping (and farting profusely) on my feet.
@aria This is actually why I've just applied to jobs I would /never/ feel comfortable apping for before.
I want to be able to take him to the vet if he so much gets a sniffle.
Good news!
Old man went to the vet today. She said that she doesn't think it's infected, and the tear duct is producing as normal. The distension of the third eyelid is most likely due to allergies, in her opinion, but she still gave us some antibacterial salve to put on it for a few days, and put him on a Benadryl regimen.
Other than that he appears to be in good health. She recommended aspirin on days he's feeling especially stiff but didn't wanna put him on a regular dose because it could mess with his stomach.
Old man is just old! And has allergies.
@derp Fantastic news!
Those of you with your old lads — I getcha. Mine’s under a year still and even now I can’t help but have occasional pangs about the fact that one day she won’t be there. I had one of those even the day I got her. I was thinking about it just today (before clicking this thread) after she did something especially cute for my benefit and was a generally thoughtful friendo.
I think once you’ve lost one, you never forget that feeling and you’re always going to be bracing for the next. But on some level I feel this has to make it somewhat easier to be mentally prepared, because the first is always the hardest.
I consider these days that a healthy relationship with death is one where we fully accept that it’s a part of life. I take a lot more photos and videos because of it, and spend more time just soaking in and appreciating her silly (even sometimes annoying) youth. ‘Cause I look at her and the older dogs and know she’ll eventually grow out of some flustering habits as she settles down and matures, but that I might eventually miss her overexcitability then.
Anyway, that was a lot of words and I realise no one cares about those, so here’s a few photos of the main event being a total goof at various stages of her as yet very early life:
Second dog in the third picture is actually totally unrelated to her AFAIK and is an entirely different breed, both me and the other dog’s human were just amazed how similar they look.
@kestrel h u s k i e s 4 l y f e
Is that a puppy tracksuit?
@ominous it's someone's old childhood football jersey
@cobalt oooooo nooooooo, i have fallen over with my tummer exposed and cant get up, i sure hope no one comes along while i am helpless and wubs my belly
@cobalt Honestly, although they are less instagram friendly, pictures of my dog halfway through her pocket interspace dimension of some of my favourite.
Andi on our morning walk today; she's now exactly 9 months old.
We met a father with 3 young daughters, all of whom looked to be under the age of 10. The youngest was at first terrified and hid behind her dad going, 'omg it's a wolf!' But I reassured her that Andi's a good girl and then a few minutes later they were bounding down the street asking for permission to pet her. Andi loves the attention, the kids loved getting to pet a dog, the dad loved seeing it, everyone came out a winner. The girl who was at first scared ended up being her biggest fan to the point where it was hard to eventually move along.
She honestly makes me feel great not just for the immediate interpersonal benefits of unconditional love, but because whenever I take her out I feel like I'm accompanied by this beacon of sunlight who spreads joy everywhere she goes, putting smiles on people's faces and brightening people's day. A teenage girl once stopped me to say, 'Can I pet your dog? Please I've had a really shitty day.' Just ... this dog is such a source of goodness. I love her so much. A perfect being.