Dec 4, 2021, 8:49 PM

@arkandel said in The Wheel of Time:

Without spoilers this time.

I enjoyed Episode 5 - in fact I think it was the best one yet. This was for a simple reason; they finally started to slow the fuck down and let the characters breathe, develop and interact with each other.

It was also the first time I thought Warders - although we haven't quite seen the Gaidin per se yet - was characterized differently than the books but it felt more like fleshing them out than just departing from canon.

The one lingering concern; there are two episodes left. How will the pacing work to close the season out?

Well, 3 episodes left...

But. They introduced Loial, which is their 'fast travel' shortcut. So, the only important beats left are :

-Clearing up Matt's problem.
-Reuniting with Egwene and Perrin
-Discovery/Explanation of the Ways
-Travel to Shinear
-Eye of the World

A fast pace, but certainly doable.