I have four-hour windows where I can actually engage with this hobby, so keep in mind, while I'm not making metal and stone do what I want with my hands I'm playing pretendy-funtimes with all you lot.
So, short and sweet:
GMs are players that have become STs. They've ceased first-party interaction to engage third-party interaction. They tell the story. Shit, I've seen more and more players taking this load onto themselves, and thus allowing their STs to focus on greater, and greater metastories or whateverthefuck that ST is going to do.
Players can choose not to log into a game. If the game, the environment or whatever isn't for you - don't log in. Don't talk shit. It comes off wrong, you know? Makes your breath reek.
It also makes your examples squishy, shitty even.
Now, I've been privy of every side of almost every argument and it's fine because it's a bunch of dorks (blanket term, myself included) playing a dorky game (House with Extra-Steps) using a tool that lets them remain anonymous to some degree.
There's a careful balance created and maintained here, and the biggest, most-powerful tool you as a player have against a GM you don't like or don't agree with is simply leaving. It's when you talk shit that you might get called out and dragged through your own excrement, you know?
This is just my constructive criticism, mind you, based on experience and all that. But if you, like me, have a small window to actually engage with this hobby, you should not be opening that window to smell, or permeate the outside-air with bullshit.