@misterboring said in The Worst Thing You Have Done in this Hobby Thread:
Inquiring minds want to know:
What is PillowFort?
seiche’s creepy cult of personality had a social MU
@misterboring said in The Worst Thing You Have Done in this Hobby Thread:
Inquiring minds want to know:
What is PillowFort?
seiche’s creepy cult of personality had a social MU
Being part of it.
I mean probably this post. The fact that a lot of the great posters are gone now kind of stinks.
I've fucked up a lot over the years. I mean, like a lot of us, I was in the community before I was even 20. Sooooo decisions were made.
I've trusted people I shouldn't have.
I've hurt people that didn't deserve it.
I've taken things personally when they weren't.
I've said shit I should have just shut up about but thought I knew everything (spoiler alert: I didn't)
I mean, we are human and we do fucked up things in our human, flawed nature. We still have the capacity to change and to admit our part in it. I'd like to think regardless of what I did or sometimes did not do when I should have - that I've turned out on the kinder side of things. Might not be true, but I try.
We've all grown and that's pretty awesome actually.
I DARED to like Mummy, which everyone else hates.
I posed Reese wrapped in pink ribbons in a mummy like style, def not the worse I have done though, not by far.
Honestly, I think it was defending someone who had never done anything bad to ~me~ but then they ended up being really abusive to others.
I try not to use, though I still fail and need called out, on the 'but not me' argument.
Actual worst:
Not carefully and gently double-checking with some players who had complaints about a third player. I thought it was a lot less serious than it was and didn't realize it was ongoing. Someone who was being shitty got to stay on my game, while two or three people who'd done nothing wrong and were valued players felt they had to leave.
Declaring that an idled-out PC had died (I was actually rolling a die to determine where all the idle-dested characters were) and refusing the request of a player (who'd never actually RPed with him but was ICly his brother) to have him not be dead for OOC feelings reasons. I have no idea why I did this.
Consequences-for-me worst:
Taking people's word for it that their shitty actions were mistakes, even after multiple times and them having hissy fits to the effect that it's wrong to want to fix problems if they're not on purpose. This may be called "Not Taking the Hint" in allistic-world.
Just gonna say I don't believe for a moment that "not realizing i was trying to be too nice" is the worst any of us have done.
That's like when an interviewer asks for your biggest flaw and you say "i work TOO hard sometimes".
@kanye-qwest Oh, I wasn't nice about it.
I care too much
Actually the worse I ever done was made and sold Banjos on Arx!
Well no that wasn't either, but now is def ot the time to list my wore things ever.
Haunted Memories: I allowed my attachment to a player color my judgment and made rulings her favor that that had to be retconned. Not once, but twice. Her character was being stalked by another character and I decided that her Auspex would give her a chance at realizing she was being watched round the clock, and had an Battle of Wills or whatever it's called roll vs the other character. Then after that was retconned by other staff and her character was diablerized... I sigh decided that an NPC who was "obsessed with her" had been lurking around and witnessed it and let the cat out of the bag. This was retconned. ETA: The player did not ask me for these rulings, btw.
Blood and Citrus: (An Anitaverse Game set in Fort Lauderdale). I... used NPCs to TS PCs. It went about as good as you can imagine.
@cobalt said in The Worst Thing You Have Done in this Hobby Thread:
Blood and Citrus: (An Anitaverse Game set in Fort Lauderdale). I... used NPCs to TS PCs. It went about as good as you can imagine.
The worst thing I've ever done as staff anywhere was not inform people OOC that they were heading into a situation with the potential for a severely negative outcome for their character (including death), and then ignore them when they would become upset that their character was suddenly dead or missing a limb or in extreme debt to a mafia boss.
To myself: waste time and effort on people I knew didn't give a shit about me.
To others: install logging on the server I ran for a game I was server admin / a story admin on because the previous head admin left it in the hands of a group where not one of us was over the age of 17 (I myself was 16) and it went about as well as you can expect. Reading over logs of fellow admin and seeing what they said about the rest of the admin team and players is not something I am proud of and my only defense now -- decades later -- is 'I was a stupid kid.'
Oh boy, where to start.
But mostly, trusting someone with things about me only to have them turn around and use that knowledge against me in ways that were emotionally and sexually manipulative, and exceptionally illegal.
Fucked me up for years, and made me reject my bisexuality until my 30s because I associated half of my attraction with being made a victim.
Fuck you very much, you fuck.
@solstice omg, I'm sorry this happened to you, and I wish I could punch that person in the throat.