May 6, 2022, 7:58 PM

Votes with her feet by kicking the door back in , EXTRA HARD... no, you don't get to know what size those feet are, fuck off

So I am in chaos goblin mode, in part because I'm arguing circles around folks about bodily autonomy on the Twitters over the abortion thing, which is part of what kicked things off here. Current Events thread was locked, and then Politics and Hog Pit to boot. So now you all get to see the scary real world events happening here! Abortion ban! Rawr!

Not that... there was anything actively discussed in Politics aside from the Current Events thread, but gotta shut down all avenues of dissent, amIright?

So we've got hidden threads and entirely deleted threads that are pointing out the authoritarian bonaza going on here. Farfalla getting banned for nothing. Nearly twenty people banned for defending Farfalla. Refusal to post logs, which is KIND OF THE WHOLE DEAL HERE. You post logs, and let people decide.

If this a court and Gany is the Judge whose decrees must be followed, then hiding threads is suppression of evidence in a trial you should rightly recuse yourself from, and deleting threads is destruction of evidence. Which... I am not a lawyer, but those both seem kind of bad. Unethical, maybe. Could even be illegal. Who can be sure? The unemotional robot seems to be on the fritz, can't ask her.

... incidentally, if this is a court room, there is also Derp the Building Maintenance/Janitor, acting like a Bailiff by closing threads when it has been stated multiple times he is only supposed to be doing code support. Weird, that.

So when admin on a mush does these sorts of things, people come to the Soapbox (the press/town square) and let the evidence out HERE, where all can see, even after trying to be shut down.

We've got logs of Gany comparing people banned terrorists. Someone else threw up a lynch mob comparison. Screenshots grabbed from before Gany locked everything down and tried to hide them away. Also at least one screenshot of Gany insisting that 'no, actually, a lot of people have not complained to me about this' when people are standing in the square, being ignored.

The reason we do not DM concerns, is the same reason we do not page complaints to staff. If you shut down the public complaints, then you can lie about how many people have been complaining, and try to brush everything under the rug.

Again. If any game had an administration that did this, the Soapbox would rally against them. We are an anti-authoritarian, pro-transparency kind of people. And continuing to delete threads, lest others see you joining in on that sort of fuckery, is pretty disgusting.

For these reasons and more, I join the chorus: ban me, you coward.