@rightmeow I need to leave right meow (I couldn't resist) to go pick up my new, upper leveled dose!
The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves)
@horrorhound said in The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves):
So, I wanted to share this, as I married someone in the neurological field and learned an immense amount of shit about myself, and ADHD. Because I had ADHD when ADHD was just some bullshit excuse for your kid not listening, or something. So no meds. Never. Not ever. Because ADHD isn't real.
Obviously it is.
Anyways, I've done really dangerous jobs, and also have been in construction for like, twelve years now. Big construction. Personal residence. I fucking love it. It all makes sense to me, and best of all: ADHD isn't a flaw, it's a merit, in construction and the very nature of the job helps curb your inattentive behaviors. Forgot what you were doing? No worries, champ. Contracts and job scopes are written down. Having a tough time? No problem: Everybody is embracing the suck and eating that same shit sandwich. Tempers flaring? Yep. They do that. Get the fuck over it and move on - what's this?! Everybody is getting over shit as fast as you?
So, apparently construction is full of peeps with ADHD, which makes sense, because we all rage against those fucking engineers.
Teaching preschool is a good one too. Special Ed preschool is even better. His IEP goal includes something about attending to instruction for stretches of 3-5 minutes at a time with fading reminders. ME TOO! I promise we will be constantly switching activities and not just for your sake, oh no!
- 18 days later
It's been awhile since I posted here. Mainly because I forgot my password. Forgot who I could reach out to. Remembered. Got it and here I am. Then I felt HORRID about reaching out, it's fine.
I went to my doctor and was like, let's talk about meds and such. Then I went to a therapist who said I had moderate ADHD. I was super excited by that, until my sister reminded me that mild and moderate are not the same; even if my brain tried to tell me they were.
So long story short (sorry). I have started meds. The first dose was nothing. This one still isn't right as they have to up it to find the right one. However, I expected to be cracked out since it's speed-ish. My heart doesn't race though. My brain feels a bit more mellow. Not like I don't care about things, but like it's not this constant spinning issue.
Anyways. I just wanted to share. Nothing else.
@rightmeow I need to leave right meow (I couldn't resist) to go pick up my new, upper leveled dose!
- 29 days later
Update because you are now (really it's not new) my overshare group because you GET IT. Also, side note, thank you for getting it.
We have adjusted my dosage twice. I'm starting to feel different. Not in a bad way. When I take it, I feel more motivated almost. I think that's the best way to explain it. I will go to the grocery store instead of just thinking I should. Or wash the dishes or a million other things.
However, I'm still super forgetful. So, we aren't at the right dosage, but I think we are going the right way. This makes super happy too. I didn't know my brain could slow down this way and it's almost like learning to think all over again.
Also, my emotions seem a little more balanced (not that I was out of control there). When people would talk about letting something go and not letting it effect them. I'm almost there. Like I feel better about drawing boundaries in how I'll be treated and how I'll react to it. I'm not sure it's the meds but ...
Sorry. I rambled. I just don't have anyone in my not cyberspace life that has ADHD to talk with on the same level. Although, they are all encouraging.
Thank you for reading!
Don't forget to be kind.
@rightmeow I'm really glad the meds are working for you, subject to tweaking that dosage a bit more. It's an awesome feeling, knowing that you might ACTUALLY DO the thing and not just THINK about doing the thing.
- 19 days later
@wretched How about:
"Still happy I know you"
Unrelated but inspiring, I've been watching a bunch of Emily D. Baker on youtube. She's very open about her ADHD diagnosis and struggles to make it work within her career (lawyer/legal analyst). Highly entertaining, if anyone is bored and wants a breakdown of high profile law cases alongside great empathy and understanding. Unsurprisingly, the majority of it right now is Depp v. Heard but if you dig back further there's a lot of other great content too.
I was 39 when I was diagnosed with adult ADHD. I found an online treatment site, and decided to go with it. I was prescribed adderall. The sad truth of the matter is, if I was given this during high school, I sincerely believe I would have gotten into MIT or another top tier school. I struggled my entire life with concentration issues, giving things the attention they deserve. With adderall, my concentration and focus isses have gone away. Repetitive tasks become fun instead of things to avoid.
My parents, and I don't blame them, were very against psychological and psychiatric help. It's from the generation they were raised. My mother, when I was very young, asked a doctor if I could be ADHD. The doctor asked if I could sit through a movie, which I used to watch Star Wars over and over again. So she said yes and the dr. said I couldn't have ADHD.
It was a game changer. Some things have changed for the worse: I don't have a sex drive now. But as a single man, I don't think it's that bad of a thing. The amount of focus it helps me gather is simply incredible.
It's not for everyone, but I think it was a good idea for me.
@tooters I know these feelings. I honestly think if I had been diagnosed before I was well into adulthood, EVERYTHING would be different now.
@macha I couldn't help but think to a conversation I had with my mom recently where she was upset because 'at my age' I shouldn't have any issues with managing my money or dealing with unexpected expenses ($600 vet bill, in this case). And I couldn't help but think that had she not been so consumed with making sure she was financially comfortable, maybe my issues wouldn't have gone undiagnosed for so long. She constantly worked 60-80 hour work weeks so she could sock money away. I was a latchkey kid, learned how to make myself dinner because she was rarely home for it, let alone having the time to really notice that I wasn't just being 'lazy' like my teachers insisted. Or that I spent so much time out of the house so I wouldn't have to deal with her constant criticisms.
@too-old-for-this My dad was also never home for YEARS after my mother passed (I was 4 when she passed), I honestly think if she'd lived, even just a handful more years, I would have been far better off, in so many ways.
But, as a female, they just wrote me off as lazy when I was a shining star in class, and never did the homework.
I seriously wonder if going back to college classes now on Adderall would be different.
ETA: Stupid spelling mistakes in the wee hours.
@wretched It's 3am and I'm doing dishes... totally fine!
@too-old-for-this Doing dishes and ensuring the
camphouse/apartment doesn't get attacked bybearsburglars. Multitasking! -
@macha It would be. I’m not at my correct dose however I’m noticing some difference in how I can actually get through homework and not just skip to the end.
This, right here, has been my whole damn week.
Gender-neutral drama queens making me stop my process and take care of their issues right this very second has messed me all up.
I'm worrying now. I've noticed after a certain point in the day, even with a 'breakthrough' dose after my lunch, that by the end of my work day I am scattered and unfocused AF.