May 24, 2022, 12:53 AM


I don't begrudge them anything. I don't think anyone is an evil villain in this story. Two groups had a disagreement, and one of them decided to part ways and do their own thing. It's a tale as old as time.

It's also an action that I approve of, as I'm sure @Ganymede does as well. Competition is healthy. It's a crucible that lets you really refine what you're going for and appeal to the crowd you're seeking to attract. If there's one thing that we learned when MSB was dying a slow death due to Redis weirdness, it's that there really weren't any alternatives out there if, for some reason, the server that MSB is stored on catches fire tomorrow.

Now there is an alternative. People have choices. Two different cultures can come out of it. Or, if not that, then at least there are options and redundancy for if something terrible happens to one or the other.

I don't wish any of them ill-will. That's not what the post was about. It's just not something that we want to see here.

Most of the folks over there aren't banned from here. I'm sure that no small few of them will wander to one or the other, and a large chunk of them will stay on both. Nobody is persona non grata unless they've deliberately gone out of their way to be so, and even then we've decided that a few of them were edge cases enough that they were probably a bridge too far.

Hopefully the few that are trying to get out their last hurrahs or whatever get it out of their system soon, so that we can move on to something more interesting and everyone can get settled into their respective preferences.