Is anyone or anything still alive here?
@Tapewyrm The home page shows when a thread was last active.
will show you who has been acttive recently.
So the answer is yes, no, but yes.
@Tapewyrm a brand new account but with mysterious prior knowledge of this place....
Greetings to you, mysterious anonymous person!
@Ghost It aint such a mystery. I used to post on WORA back in the day, with this username. I came looking for it and this is what I found.
Thanks for the welcome though!
@Misadventure Gracias.
Just checked my heartbeat! 75bpm, still seemingly alive. Welcome
Still here!
Any games still alive out there, though? Not finding much on the MUD Connector or this Mustard thing I see linked.
Many have moved to Aresmush, which has its own directory.
Others have moved to Evennia, a python-based MUD engine that I am much less familiar with, other than to say that several very large games have used it now, including Arx.
Rhost and Tiny are still around but increasingly rare as newer and objectively better platforms are coded in modern coding languages.
@Derp Cool, thanks for the info.
Evennia has a game index here: (though some are more MUDlike)