@Luna Gaslighting goes beyond domestic relationships, it's just that a lot of the time it falls under the much more respectable veneer of 'social engineering'.
RL Anger
@Ganymede said:
@Roz said:
Do people lie on the internet? Do people get preyed on? Absolutely. But I don't think that it's actually true that the majority of people you might make friends with on the internet are more likely to be vastly lying about their identity.
Ack! The grammar!
Shading grants people greater license to conceal or misrepresent the truth. It's easier to lie, so it's probably more likely. That alone does not mean that you should eschew meeting others via the internet.
I mean, people lie in person too. All the time. It happens.
What about all those scary-ass news stories wherein people are murdered by someone they met off the Internet?
See: every Craigslist Murder Story ever.
@Cirno said:
What about all those scary-ass news stories wherein people are murdered by someone they met off the Internet?
What about all those scary-ass news stories about young black men getting shot by police for no fucking reason?
@Ganymede said:
@Cirno said:
What about all those scary-ass news stories wherein people are murdered by someone they met off the Internet?
What about all those scary-ass news stories about young black men getting shot by police for no fucking reason?
Such is life in Soviet Russia.
Dah, I mean, the USA.
Speaking of which, this is exactly why I think people who say things like "SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL POLICE" are fuccbois.
@Cirno said:
Speaking of which, this is exactly why I think people who say things like "SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL POLICE" are fuccbois.
I support local police all the time. I support them like I would support a drunken, belligerent, gun-toting friend: I point out their problems and encourage them to get help.
Supporting people does not connote blind loyalty. It also means pointing out when they fuck up horribly, so that they learn a lesson.
@Ganymede said:
@Cirno said:
Speaking of which, this is exactly why I think people who say things like "SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL POLICE" are fuccbois.
I support local police all the time. I support them like I would support a drunken, belligerent, gun-toting friend: I point out their problems and encourage them to get help.
Supporting people does not connote blind loyalty. It also means pointing out when they fuck up horribly, so that they learn a lesson.
That's fine and I agree with that. What I'm addressing are the people who support their local police by saying things like "I think they're doing a great job! Nothing is wrong! I see no visible problems with their behavior!"
Those are real things people say.
@Cirno said:
Those are real things people say.
Everyone can have an opinion, and everyone is entitled to be wrong. I have neither the time nor inclination to address people's idiocy constantly, so I let stupid shit like this slide all the time.
I can either argue with people about why they are wrong, or I can do something about it. I choose the latter.
Gaslighting and Catfishing exist in offline life. We just recognize these behaviors as:
Being a fucking liar
Being a fucking goalpost moving liar.
The ease of the Internet enables these behaviors to become far easier because the catfisher and gaslighter have nearly absolute control over their personal information online. If you want the details to fit your narrative, you simply don't publish contradictions or scrub them prior to discovery.
It's tougher, in general, to pull a long con gaslight or catfish offline. The proximity and the easy ability to weed out false information sorta makes it impossible to keep up ruses the likes of which are seen online.
Gas lighting occurs in domestic relationships. People living together and even married. It can go on for years. It's not really the same as catfishing.
@Luna Gaslighting goes beyond domestic relationships, it's just that a lot of the time it falls under the much more respectable veneer of 'social engineering'.
@deadculture I didn't mean only. I just meant that it did and isn't just something that distance allows to happen more easily.
Not so much a 'rl' thing since it annoys me on Facebook but still.
People who can't get past the idea everyone doesn't like the same things, or that if they didn't enjoy a popular thing it doesn't make them special.
There are so many posts lately from people about Star Wars throwing words like 'sheep' and 'commercialism' around. One particularly special one was bemoaning all the posts the movie is getting versus 'more important issues', which sounds a lot like '... such as stuff I care about'.
Get over yourselves, folks.
@Luna True but most people know they're being gaslighted or even if they don't know the label, they're experiencing something they don't enjoy but they stick around for it various reasons. It's easier online to not realize this is what is occurring, I mean, much less decide if its something you want to put up with.
This peeve is not as serious as racism or abuse, but: When law enforcement professionals refer to marijuana as a narcotic.
I'm tired of Grammar Nazi's on Facebook, forums, in games and generally in places it doesn't matter.
I have brain damage, I have nerve damage. Sometimes it's too much god damn work to type correctly. Fuck you buddy! I'll type how I want and you can fuck off and find some other way to express your egotistical self perceived superiority.
- I always turn off automatic Windows updates because I want to decide when my computer reboots.
- I updated from Windows 7 to Windows 10 recently.
- I often use open unsaved notepad files to store random notes for use later.
- I spent the idle hours of the day organising information into one of these notepad files and went to sleep. When I woke up I was greeted by a blank desktop and Windows cheerfully notifying me that it updated itself and rebooted my computer without asking me.
- Few times I've ever felt such a sudden urge to strangle a fellow programmer as that morning.
@Groth said:
- I always turn off automatic Windows updates because I want to decide when my computer reboots.
- I updated from Windows 7 to Windows 10 recently.
- I often use open unsaved notepad files to store random notes for use later.
- I spent the idle hours of the day organising information into one of these notepad files and went to sleep. When I woke up I was greeted by a blank desktop and Windows cheerfully notifying me that it updated itself and rebooted my computer without asking me.
- Few times I've ever felt such a sudden urge to strangle a fellow programmer as that morning.
I do the same thing with the notepads. I've learned to start saving them to desktop anyway because of power outages, though.
I do the same sometimes, but the sticky note application is way safer for this.
Between holidays, illness (family), visitors, illness (mine), and other RL stuff my sleep schedule and sense of time is totally fucked up (and probably will be for a bit since I have that nasty upper respiratory plague that seems to be going around everywhere, and is triggering my airways like whoa. I am at my most awake and productive between 2-4 AM. My god I might break out the woo woo stuff and try melatonin or something like that because I am desperate to feel like I'm on a human schedule again.
@mietze Oh I'm so sorry! It's even worse if they give you the prednisone. Yay for breathing but that stuff also fucks up sleep. Does benedryl make you sleepy maybe?
I really hate it when things make me whiney.
I've developed the upper respiratory plague that's going around, and I have asthma, so I've been down for the count since Christmas. Officially can no longer speak, as I've coughed myself hoarse. Was initially treated for a severe sinus infection. Damnit I don't want to go back to the doctor.
Somebody make it stop