- Catty fucking co-workers.
- Assholes. Yes, you soaked a cart in melted icee, dumped pasta in it, dumped popcorn in it and rolled it through several aisles. Great. And some bint's kids are slamming freezer doors repeatedly while mom giggles and looks on. She then looks offended when one of us approaches and asks if they need help. Oh, and the people who watch me clean an aisle then promptly dump shit everywhere.
- "Hahaha, I bet you wish you were home now, huh?" Well, no fucking shit, Sherlock.
- Holy fuck, bilingual labeling and non-white co-workers and customers really bring out the racists.
RL Anger
When it's cold and dark outside but you still have to make your 10k steps so you pace up and down the garage and run up and down the stairs. Didn't get to the gym because of my toothache. This is lame but it's day 3 of the year.
Going back to work tomorrow. On a Monday morning. When it's going to be the coldest day of the winter so far.
Going back to work this morning. On a Monday morning. When it's going to be the hottest day of the summer so far.
@Coin said:
Going back to work this morning. On a Monday morning. When it's going to be the hottest day of the summer so far.
I'll trade you.
Also, more frownies:
I hate how something like Sudafed, which 'may cause drowsiness', knocks me on my ass for an entire day, yet something like Nyquil, which is supposed to make one tired, doesn't do shit to me.
Hot water heater fails on Dec. 31.
I have a contractor, but no heater to purchase on Jan. 1, and I don't want to go to a Big Box to buy some sub-standard POS from overseas.
And then I get a decision granting judgment in favor of an opponent.
Gonna be a long week.
Jesus Christ just everything about today what the fuck man
The coworker who's also the boss' daughter. Can't stand the officious bitch and her attitude.
- Catty fucking co-workers.
- Assholes. Yes, you soaked a cart in melted icee, dumped pasta in it, dumped popcorn in it and rolled it through several aisles. Great. And some bint's kids are slamming freezer doors repeatedly while mom giggles and looks on. She then looks offended when one of us approaches and asks if they need help. Oh, and the people who watch me clean an aisle then promptly dump shit everywhere.
- "Hahaha, I bet you wish you were home now, huh?" Well, no fucking shit, Sherlock.
- Holy fuck, bilingual labeling and non-white co-workers and customers really bring out the racists.
@silentsophia said:
- Holy fuck, bilingual labeling and non-white co-workers and customers really bring out the racists.
Man, that sinking feeling whenever someone starts a sentence with, "I'm not a racist, but..." Please stop right there, bro.
How does bilingual labeling bring out the racists anyway?
@Arkandel We've had bilingual labeling since the stone ages, and people still rag on it here. You'd think Canada was full of immortals who actually fought against Napoleon or something.
@SG That would explain a few things.
Well. We have a LOT of Spanish speaking customers, and for some reason, the presence of Spanish on labels just wigs some people out. Like, dude, companies ship things to many places and ignoring a huge potential customer base is a terrible business decision. Plus, Spanish speakers might wanna buy shit, too.
And why not treat it as a free mini language lesson? Now you know the word for razor and you can shave your legs in Mexico. Hooray!
@silentsophia Weird. I live in Canada where everything is bilingual and I don't speak french but can't they... y'know, turn the product around to look at the english label instead?
I guess if you want to bitch about those people you don't need a lot of excuse, but come on.
People that want to insist that because some lazy jackass tossed a product onto the sale shelf that they should get the product for the sale price on the shelf. Ummmmmmmm, no. Sorry, you don't get to buy a $27 can of Killz primer for $15 just because it happened to have been left there by some other idiot. Sorry lady, but little Johnny doesn't get the big $25 Minecraft toy for $8 just because some schlub couldn't be arsed to put it back where it came from. And no, crying about how you're short on money and just trying to get your kids some late Christmas presents doesn't work... especially when I can see all the designer tags on your clothes and the Michael Kors handbag you're digging around in.
@Miss-Demeanor said:
People that want to insist that because some lazy jackass tossed a product onto the sale shelf that they should get the product for the sale price on the shelf. Ummmmmmmm, no. Sorry, you don't get to buy a $27 can of Killz primer for $15 just because it happened to have been left there by some other idiot. Sorry lady, but little Johnny doesn't get the big $25 Minecraft toy for $8 just because some schlub couldn't be arsed to put it back where it came from. And no, crying about how you're short on money and just trying to get your kids some late Christmas presents doesn't work... especially when I can see all the designer tags on your clothes and the Michael Kors handbag you're digging around in.
While you're on this, how about when you hear "Hey if it doesn't scan, it means it's free right?"
Getting a parking ticket on the evening of new year's eve. When I've paid for parking and the stub is displayed on the dashboard.
Contesting it now which may or not work. Bah.
I'm getting really tired of my SO's SuperChristian friends posting things all over their Facebooks about how when things get bad, all you need to do is sow some positive seeds and the world will magically become a wonderful place.
Fuck you, bitch. Positive attitude doesn't stop throwing stars and you've got a dumb fucking haircut.
@Ghost said:
I'm getting really tired of my SO's SuperChristian friends posting things all over their Facebooks about how when things get bad, all you need to do is sow some positive seeds and the world will magically become a wonderful place.
Fuck you, bitch. Positive attitude doesn't stop throwing stars and you've got a dumb fucking haircut.
I think you need to watch Zoolander....