Jan 28, 2015, 5:24 AM

@Cobaltasaurus Yeah I get that. I would just eye roll and move on. Most people aren't going to be invested in you education but those who care about you beyond 'cool...congrats'. This could be for varying reasons, people who aren't friends but aquantences, people who you need to spread on toast because they're jelly, people who failed or couldn't go to school and for that we go right back to jelly, etc. Not that it's not frustrating, but know who to bitch to so you don't end up being more irritated than before.

Like, when my ex wants to bitch out of visitation and I tell him he needs to spend time with the baby (I know she's 5, not a baby but she'll still be the baby at 20) Ive learned NEVER say fuck all about school. He's dropped out like 3 times and I think owes something like $20k for no degree and screwed up his GI Bill. Oddly enough, his mom who HATED me in no uncertain terms is crazy supportive.

Negative people are the worst. Haters drinking haterade everywhere.