@Misadventure not to be contrarian, because I love your opinions, but in my experience if you require players to jump through hoops to get their TS, they will simply do it anyway, or vacate for a place that won't make them justify their TS.
You see, it is my opinion that on most MUs, TS>Plot for most players. Ive seen hundreds of players quit plot, or games altogether, due to a lack of TS. So the trick is convincing people to partake in RP and plot alongside their usage of mushing as a terrycloth monkey that is providing them sexy relationship time not present in RL. To convince some players to set aside their hunt for attention and/or sympathetic romantic roleplay, you've got to make it worth their while, and most people are NOT lacking complication in their lives...which is why TS wins.
Like I said, I don't mean to be a troll, I just feel that it's better to understand the hobby's player base before exhausting onesself on hectic coding endeavors.