Apr 20, 2016, 6:02 AM

@Thenomain You're not doing that, you were presuming there was hostility when there was none and in so doing not only discounted much of what was said, you marginalized it to the point of saying it was meaningless.

I refuse to believe that you are not intelligent enough to know that when you deflect away from a topic of discussion in what appears an attempt to change the topic into something else, how that is rude, and offensive to the topic at matter.

It puts forth that the topic isn't worth discussing lets talk about this other thing instead, it shifts the focus from one topic to another. THAT is OFFENSIVE.

It marginalizes the original topic, by taking discussion away from it. It changes the focus to paint the original topic as a false problem.

You're smart enough to know this. This is why you are being disingenuous. This is why I am so pissed off at you right now. Because you know better, but instead you're dismissing it out of hand as only being offensive to 'some' people.

Guess what @Thenomain it /is/ offensive. Just like sexual harassment is offensive. Just like any negative activity is offensive.

It's /offensive/ that you find sexual harassment and abuse of others an 'interesting' cultural phenomenon also.

If you were so twisted in a knot of concern and stress you'd have realized that @TNP has ALREADY posted /exactly/ how you were derailing the thread, and how the hell can you possibly say that "What someone else thinks is offensive isn't the problem".

I literally have no words to explain how fucked up that is.

If you don't want to 'be engaged' by me, then figure out a way to block indvidual users, or ban me, or whatever else you feel is necessary to do but don't act like you get to tell me not to respond to what is absolutely bullshit.