The cynicism and grit of Shadow Run depends entirely upon what type of character you want to play and what the theme of the game being ran is.
Play a bunch of gang bangers with low resources and then try to survive in the Redmond Barrens or most any other sprawl for example and you'll see how grit and grimdark ShadowRun can be.
Many 'Runners are already a stage above the darkest it can get, but they can fall. If they end up screwing up the run and not paid then are hunted by two corporations and have nowhere to go except into the sprawl and crawl into a hole, try and not die... yeah it can get pretty bad.
To me Magic is just another type of 'Tech' in ShadowRun. Yeah it's rare, but so are Panther Assault Cannons. Supernatural threats, bounties, and metacritter guard dogs are all just part of what makes ShadowRun what it is, but it doesn't necessarilly make things more pleasant overall.
So part of this really @Thenomain you have to /decide/ what you want the overarching theme for /your/ ShadowRun to be, and then to make it that.
Because as it's written, ShadowRun can be practically /anything/.