Cheap or Free Games!
@HelloRaptor said:
I can criticize a lot of specifics about 8
@silentsophia said in Cheap or Free Games!:
I just couldn't stand Squall or having to suck magic from enemies all the time.
but.....but.....but gunblades
you fucking monsters
@HelloRaptor said:
FF8 is basically just an employment simulator wrapped around the disjointed story of possibly (probably) the worst protagonist of any RPG, ever.
That Squall is essentially the precursor to the emo movement isn't a bad thing; it's a weird sort of prophecy. Frankly, I'm sick of playing cheery, happy, white-hat protagonists. I like Joel far more than Ellie.
Is it too much of a stretch to believe that the entire game revolved around the idea of redeeming Squall? Because that's what the game, to me, was about. Otherwise, the ending makes little sense.
I'm not a monster.
I just got tired of having to farm magic.
@silentsophia said:
I'm not a monster.
I just got tired of having to farm magic.
I don't remember farming much magic? ...granted that was like fuck at least thirteen years ago now. sobs
Humble Bundle Store is having a SquareEnix sale and Green Man Gaming is having a Sega sale.
@Cobaltasaurus said:
@silentsophia said:
I'm not a monster.
I just got tired of having to farm magic.
I don't remember farming much magic? ...granted that was like fuck at least thirteen years ago now. sobs
FF8 didn't have ether potions, you had to stop like every fifteen feet and "draw" magic from little wellsprings.
@Wizz said:
@Cobaltasaurus said:
@silentsophia said:
I'm not a monster.
I just got tired of having to farm magic.
I don't remember farming much magic? ...granted that was like fuck at least thirteen years ago now. sobs
FF8 didn't have ether potions, you had to stop like every fifteen feet and "draw" magic from little wellsprings.
??? ??? ??? ??? ???
I'm positive I remember potions. What the hell are you talking about?
There were hp-potions, yeah, but not the mana ones. I THINK??????????????????? -
I know there were potions of some sort. What drove ME nuts was needing to drain magic to cast spells and junction stuff. Have fun farming mobs and sucking magic from them.
@silentsophia said:
What drove ME nuts was needing to drain magic to cast spells and junction stuff.
Oh! I see what you mean. I guess that never really bothered me much. Didn't using a tent return your mana?
The Random rule in Triple Triad. Nrrrrrrrrr. The only good thing was if you knew how to manage rule-spread you could stop it from spreading and even get rid of it.
Yeah, in FF8 you didn't have any magic of your own, no spells. You extracted them from monsters mid-fight, and could run out of them. Not your mana, but spells themselves. It was a pretty terribad system all around, or at last my experience with it was. Final Fantasy has often involved a lot of repetitive farming, but if you wanted to play to the higher levels the game potentially offered, hunting the rare monsters and stuff, there was a truly mind numbing level of start-fight-draw-mgagic-till-you-can't-anymore, run away, start fight, rinse repeat.
There were also draw points you'd encounter in specific areas, or on the world map.
There were a pair of islands at the extreme edges of the map ("Island Closest to Heaven" and "Island Closest to Hell" I think?) where there were fast-refreshing draw points for the most powerful spells in the game. The monster encounters there were also hella high-level.
I don't recall having to constantly draw spells when I played it. I drew them like once or whatever and was able to use them from there on. Or something like that.
@icanbeyourmuse Every character can hold 99 of any given spell. You can junction spells to your stats, which has different effects depending on the spell. So, say, junctioning Protect to you Defense gives you more than it would if you junctioned it to your attack. Junctioning Fire to your attack makes you do Fire damage. Junctioning Firaga to your attack makes you do MORE fire damage.
Junctioning Ultima, Meteor or Aura to whatever stat basically beasts them out.
At least that's how I remember it. I haven't touched my Copy of FFVIII in years.
@HelloRaptor said:
Yeah, in FF8 you didn't have any magic of your own, no spells. You extracted them from monsters mid-fight, and could run out of them.
Or you could extract them from items. This really didn't bother me much; I felt it no different than having to create armor or potions, or stealing items during combat (as in FF6). Plus, I had a map.
If someone could explain the difference between extracting magic and harvesting resources in DA:I or the ME series, I'd be happy to listen. Otherwise, it's just an alternate system that folks didn't like -- which is fine.
I thought FFXII was a complete disaster. All the pieces of a good game were there, just put together completely wrong.
And FFXIII was running in straight lines between cut-scenes. Dull.
Just 'cause I need to say it.. the Lunar Subterrane in FFIV is so freaking complicated.
@Ganymede said:
@HelloRaptor said:
Yeah, in FF8 you didn't have any magic of your own, no spells. You extracted them from monsters mid-fight, and could run out of them.
Or you could extract them from items. This really didn't bother me much; I felt it no different than having to create armor or potions, or stealing items during combat (as in FF6). Plus, I had a map.
If someone could explain the difference between extracting magic and harvesting resources in DA:I or the ME series, I'd be happy to listen. Otherwise, it's just an alternate system that folks didn't like -- which is fine.
Sure, it was an alternate system that folks didn't like. That's not even a terribly new idea in Final Fantasy, since 'extracting magic from magical beings' is in... well, most of them at one time or another. But the implementation and presentation of it in FF8 just felt off.
Beyond that, it's just about feel. It didn't feel like a Final Fantasy game, it felt like it should have been a third Chrono game. That's not even a literal reference to the time elements involved, just the way things were put together.
Though nowt hat I think of it, fuuuuuuuuuucking gooooddaaaaamnit. I was almost ready to say I'd go back and play through it again to see if I was just hyping the bad parts up in my memory, but I'd completely forgotten about the entire Laguna flashback stuff, and fuck that. That was so jarring. Don't give me characters to play with, build up, and get attached to and then just be like "Oh hey, sorry, those guys are on hold while you play with these other assholes you have no investment in, and you can't proceed unless you do."
Fuck that game.
And I still say it may be the weakest offering of the era running from IV-IX, but compared to X on it's positively brilliant.