@Glitch It's not so much that she played that character- but if she wanted me to change my behavior or act differently around her.. she should of told me.. Instead I just kept blundering about offending her and getting onto her shit list. How am I supposed to change behaviors related to certain people that upset them if they don't communicate them? It's not that I think she went out of her way to do that, she just neglected to totally inform me of it happening.
@Rucket Hissy Fit- Singular. Again, in those 'gentle reminder pages' I went out of my way to specify they could fake it, they could just not do it, all are acceptable, it was just that- a reminder if they wanted to do it, the day I did it was the last day. Again, if they faked I'd not know about it, nor particuarly care.
@Caryatid You could of had this discussion.. you know.. before? It wouldn't of hurt my feelings because I'm not overly sensitive about things like that. and we likely could of had a more productive and healthy relationship because of it. If behavior offends you, you don't respond to it with what is basically positive reinforcement and then expect that behavior to change... that is basically setting everyone up for failure..
@Ganymede Never pressured anyones character to be something they are not, that specifically didn't happen. If I informed them of a system existing- and how to use it, well... thats one thing, but I didn't ask other characters to somehow become political characters- I asked guardsmen to do guardsmen related tasks, I asked inquisitors to do inquisitor related tasks, crafters to do crafter related tasks- things that there rp ALREADY is reflecting. Thats actually the kind of neat thing about the task system is its very nice to stretch that stuff over your already existing rp- I never tried to get players to do things that were not in their own characters roleplay oocly- I did that via bribes icly!