Oct 8, 2016, 7:33 PM

@GirlCalledBlu said in Leadership, Spotlight, and PCs of Staffers:

@Roz said in Leadership, Spotlight, and PCs of Staffers:

"I want to explore this story for my character but I don't know anyone who would run it,"

I think this is a key thought. I know I have struggled on countless games to find someone who wants to run a plot for my character's development. My experiences as a Player has often been that Staff will happily run events/plots that impact/effect a multitude of characters, but don't seem keen on putting in the effort to run something that is more character-centric and less metaplot-centric.

I'm not saying that's the case everywhere, just on games where I have been a player.

This is a definite issue one that is common a lot of places, the best way I have found to counter that is by finding a few or even one person you gel with and enjoy RPing with and run plots for each other in that small group.
I probably would not say something as specific as I want my character to lose and arm can you run something like that? But I have asked, hey I want my char to suffer a traumatic loss if you happen to have any ideas for that plot wise I would really appreciate you running something along those lines.
Or as i have been asked recently and ran a short PrP, hey I am really wanting an adventure can you run something.
On any game there far more plot need then staff can provide so finding a good group to toss little plots back and forth for each other is a great thing.
Also on the topic of having your PC in the plot you are running, acting as a quest giver is awesome, but other then that it should be minimized.
For example Once I was running a plot where the PCs were stuck. they decided to go to my PC in character to ask for advice. Now I could have just said I think you should do x, but that would make my character looks smarter then the rest and is likely a bad call, what i did, and think was a better call was instead of having my PC recommend anything I had him ask questions to get the players thinking along some lines of progress they had overlooked. That caused things to get moving again. the end result was the same after talking to my PC they went about the rest of the plot but the impact my character had was greatly reduced compared ot if he had told them an answer.