So as of 2016 Canadian TV companies are supposed to allow their subscribers to choose individual TV channels instead of just packs of them. That'd be lovely for me since I don't really care about TV other than news, but I want to watch NBA games so I need TSN 1-4 and Sportnet. A couple of them are offered through the mandatory basic bundle everyone gets, but the rest are only available through larger 'premium' bundles filled with sports I don't watch, like hockey, golf, etc.
I reached out to Rogers (my provider, not that Bell is that much better) and they offer no such thing. You can only still get only 'theme packs', natch, which comes down to $25 a month. In fact I reached out to them on Facebook and through their own web site and got two different answers - one rep said there'd be 'more information' after Dec 1, and the other than it flat-out won't happen and I needed to pick a bundle if I wanted those channels.
A quick search reveals this: "Since March 1, 2016, cable and satellite companies must offer channels EITHER individually OR in packages of up to 10 channels. As of December 1, 2016, channels will be offered BOTH individually AND in packages of up to 10 channels." So basically they are just trying to buy time until then, hoping people subscribe to packages without realising and then being too lazy (or still unaware) to switch.