Nov 17, 2016, 6:44 PM

@Insomnia said in RL Anger:

@Derp said in RL Anger:

@Cupcake said in RL Anger:

So I am the queen of unrequited crushes with a fine tradition of them going back all the way to kindergarden. After my last boyfriend many many moons ago, I decided to put those feelings in a box and tuck them away, but in recent years, such feelings have reared their ugly head once more. It's like seeing an old friend, except you know that old friend is going to get very drunk, sleep on your couch, and pee in the sink because they're so drunk/hung-over at 4AM that they don't realize what they're doing and then expect you to buy breakfast.

I think the difference between a celebrity crush and a real-person-you-know crush are important as with the former, there's no chance in hell and you know it going in, whereas with the latter, most of the time there is the chance of possibility. Which in its way, is so much worse.

That is one of the better ones.

Plus, I mean, several new weapons and the most kickass looking armor.

Think you meant to reply to Theno, but this is too funny. Like when Netflix put the comedy subtitles on a nature show. Have a +1 just because it oddly fits.

How... did that even happen? But yes, @Thenomain was the intended target there.