Charming Potato is what made that song worthwhile.
RL Anger
My high school had both Home Economics and Family Planning as separate courses.
Home Economics was mostly a lot of baking because our teacher didn't give a shit and didn't really try. I took the class because I didn't give a shit and didn't want to try but was interested in making brownies. Symbosis.
Family Planning was taught by a former nun who had ten kids and was the wife of a perish deacon. It was more about how to have ten kids and not avoid how to have ten kids.
I think home economics should be how to run a house. It takes a lot of work (and I don't mean that sarcastically). You should learn about utilities (deposits, how to connect, what they look at what you need to know), basic home repair (leaky sink, backed up toilet, backed up sink, repairs), when filters need to be changed in your heating and cooling, what you need to set up a kitchen/home (and how much that is going to cost), sewing, cooking, basic first aid, budgeting, etc.
There is a lot of work in running one, not to mention how to get one. They should also have a finance class about Roth IRAs, investments, how retirement works, etc. I think back to all the life skills I didn't really have/understand when I turned 18 and moved out on my own. For example, I knew nothing of my tenant rights or renter's insurance. I didn't know why I needed it or I was liable for. I didn't understand car insurance really and how to shop around for it, etc.
So of course, I try to prepare everyone growing up in my life. This includes why taxes are held from your paycheck and what percentage they are held from, etc.
(steps off her box)
How credit cards work.
Okay, not to be a SJW on a Friday but wtf Highland High School in Salt Lake City ?
I couldn't find anything at all wrong with it, except for the $5.00 amount.
“We really appreciate your evidence-based misogyny.”
I don't think she knows what that word really means. -
@Tyche And that says a lot more about you than anything else.
A nice chunk of BBQed sirloin steak was ready and put in the fridge last night so I could have it for lunch today at work.
I'm at work now and that steak is still in the fridge.
The end. Sad!
At least that yummy steak will be there when you get home, ready for your consumption.
Unless someone beats you to it, which would suck.
Who in the HELL thought hipster versions of 90's hits was a good idea?
I heard a version of Ginuwine's "Pony" that made me throw up in my mouth.
Wait... someone remade 'Pony'?
That's not right. That's part of my coughcough years and totally kills Magic Mike now. -
Be triggered with me!
I'm already triggered by someone calling themselves "Ginuwine".
I'm already triggered that it was a pretty bland song to begin with, but someone managed to make it even more bland. -
Charming Potato is what made that song worthwhile.
I.... don't know how I feel about this.
It's never been a GOOD song, but it's been an iconic song for a certain (okay I'm old) era of people and maybe even in a certain area. -
I loved that song in Magic Mike.
...okay, maybe I just loved Magic Mike.
...okay, maybe I just loved muscled men stripping.
Having a day where everything hurts.
I don't have many good days (a few a year, roughly), but I definitely have worse ones. Ones where I can't push the 'noise' to the back of my head as easily. Days where I want to just sleep because at least then, I won't be as aware of it.
I could really use a hug.
@VulgarKitten: Enjoy.
Seriously, my lady crush on Jenna Dewan Tatum knows no bounds.