Feb 28, 2017, 8:20 PM

@lordbelh said in Roleplaying writing styles:

@faraday This is how I view it. I don't mind it; if I do mind it then I'll say something. The littler stuff I just roll with, and expect others to roll with as well. And if they don't wanna, then they're free not to, and I won't take offense. I generally don't see the point in dancing around every possible instance of something someone might consider a power-pose.

I honestly don't give af if someone poses something like 'Bob pats Auspice on the shoulder.'

Because if it's an issue, I can just as easily go 'Auspice shifts away before Bob can touch her.'

For me, powerposing is when it's shit like 'Dave stabs at Bill and Bill falls screaming to the floor.' and I like to think the people on the games I'm on have evolved past that.