There are some things that the schadenfreude fairy visits about, but health/family losses/death/major trauma/assault... just not on that list for me. I just quietly hope instant karma lets me know when it eventually catches up with them, because it generally will, in some poetic justice sort of fashion.
I think the 'meanest' one I can think of involves a woman I knew online who would send 'oops my top slipped hello nipples' or 'omg I didn't realize you could see I wasn't wearing panties in that pic! tee hee I guess you can tell I just got my waxing done though!' selfies to guys she knew were involved with someone online to try to 'steal' them, despite being married RL. Friend of mine was talking to her once on skype, and heard her lose her shit screaming jealous-rage bloody fucking murder at her husband for looking at a picture of a half-naked woman online for several minutes until he could get a word in edgewise, at which point he just whimpered, "...but honey, look, it's you! This is the pic you sent me the other day!"
I laughed.
I laughed really fucking hard and I feel precisely zero remorse for it.
That shit's still funny as hell to me.