@Arkandel 1. I have an alt that swears and one that doesn't, really. I think it comes down to class and occupation and general nature. If you're hanging out with posh people, they probably don't drop profanity quite as often.
- On the clothes issue, I have an alt that's noble and ICly has a lot of clothes, but honestly, I can't be bothered. I'll often pose her in general sorts of things -- ie, she's in a "loosely-woven blue summer dress" -- if I'm not wearing coded clothes. I hate DB bloat and managing objects and if there's no code benefit to wearing it (ie, it's not armor) then it's basically just ornamentation. As long as I'm not sticking her in fancy seasilk and dawnstone outfits, I figure it's okay. Who honestly cares if she has fifteen different dresses? No one has time for that stuff.