@Tehom Pretty much what Theno said. Even @Roz said it above... we crowdsource everything in this hobby nowadays because seriously, who has that kind of time? I'm not suggesting that you personally wade through it all, but that doesn't mean that it shouldn't be prioritized. I think at this point everyone understands that there's five staffers and over 100 players. We get that. So start using the bountiful resources at your disposal... namely, your player base. Shit, I would even offer to help just to help out the people that I like that are still there, and I wouldn't play at Arx again if you paid me.
Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning
@Tehom Pretty much what Theno said. Even @Roz said it above... we crowdsource everything in this hobby nowadays because seriously, who has that kind of time? I'm not suggesting that you personally wade through it all, but that doesn't mean that it shouldn't be prioritized. I think at this point everyone understands that there's five staffers and over 100 players. We get that. So start using the bountiful resources at your disposal... namely, your player base. Shit, I would even offer to help just to help out the people that I like that are still there, and I wouldn't play at Arx again if you paid me.
@Tehom said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
I am reasonably certain that if I told every guy who was eagerly awaiting war systems for Dominion or everyone who wants PRP support or any criminal type who wants crime or every apothecary who wants recipes or every combat character who wants combat styles or everyone waiting for magic that all of these will be delayed by a year as I painstakingly look for the most unambiguous verb possible for each command and do my best to make everything as clear as possible through repeated submissions of help files for review that I would be murdered in my sleep.
Honestly, Tehom, weird cases of doubled-up commands like @time/time and such notwithstanding, I think the bigger help would just be something like the guides that are on the unofficial wiki.
As an example, @retainer/@agents/guards is a wildly unclear system to many people. What are the differences? Why are they three separate systems? Which command do I use for various things? It could use a guide. Just to address the single most-common use case, a 'help animal messengers' that guided you through setting up one would solve a lot of problems.
Heck, in the short term, you could even just have the help entry link to the unofficial wiki's unfinished guide on the subject.
Given that players have been quite manifestly willing to write the documentation up for the unofficial wiki, I think you can probably source a lot of the clarifying content from players; you can still focus on coding the big systems in general, and still manage to get the guides and helpfiles clarified.
Players tend to want to help with the things they can, after all.
On the topic of clue bloat and newbies being able to catch up as the game progresses. Since the game is broken up into chapters, it might help that at the end of a chapter or season, Staff curates a list of clues that all characters (new and current) will be given access to, especially if the events of the chapter are well known and the conclusion of the chapter disseminates a lot of information through the world. Some of the clues will likely be incomplete, but might point towards players who do know more which could then generate RP but not a type of RP where someone goes "Have you been under a rock for the past year!?"
- topic:timeago_later,16 days
To those of you whom I played with: It was great fun while it was fun.
Also, sorry for any trouble with the storylines connected to Victus that are about to be disrupted.
@lordbelh Wait? You're Victus? Much sadness. My bit was pretty excited bout time with him.
@lordbelh This is disheartening. We didn't even get to hit each other yet. Also wtf?
It was fun playing with you as Sylvie. Even if I fell asleep on you once.
@lordbelh Really bummed we didn't get to play, as I heard good things (I have been Esoka there for like two weeks or something). Another game, another time.
@lordbelh Found you to be really inclusive on an OOC level, going out of your way to involve my PC (Julea) and others in things and set up scenes.
This makes little sense. Very much a WTF.
@lordbelh - You were inclusive from the moment I met you. You were solid RP, dependable and always wiling to expand the circle to allow a new person in. I cannot express how disheartening it is to know you will not be with us.
@WanderingMU He was exactly the same with me from the moment my character joined Thrax, often going out of his way to do so.
@lordbelh I missed something. What happened?
While I tend to hush on this thread because of the reasoning behind my leaving. I find this total bullshit. I might not have said anything for myself, but I will say it for @lordbelh - Total bullshit.
Now I return you to Hellfrog's sandbox.
I enjoyed the like two scenes Silas had with you and was looking forward to what plans you had for Thrax. You will be missed.
So what is the story here? I personally find Hellfrog's occasional random explosions at people on the assumption that they are evil to be highly discouraging and in stark contrast to how chill and collected the rest of staff are. But, well, it is in contrast to the rest of everything.
@lordbelh Logging in this morning was massively depressing. You're missed.
Perhaps we'll see some actual facts posted here or maybe we won't. So I can't speak about any specifics because there are none at the moment.
What I do know is I've known @lordbelh for years on several games, and the thought he's in any way a detrimental presence in a game is ludicrous. He has always carried himself in a mature way in any interactions I've seen, and until it's proven otherwise that will remain my impression of the guy; that's without even factoring his roleplay in the equation, just who he is as a person.
Arx is an excellent game. It's well coded, well thought out. But it's coming off increasingly as being ran demanding a 'yes-man' mentality where any kind of disagreement is perceived as dissent and treated harshly.
No game, no matter its worth, is perfect. None is above constructive criticism - and they can all benefit from it. Unless it is shown that @lordbelh had some sort of inappropriate, offensive meltdown or some such my interpretation of the situation is that he was punished for the offense of disagreeing with staff. And if that's how staff retaliated then it's wrong, no matter what.
I'd be happy to eat my words if we are shown something else. I'm afraid I won't need to.
I'll say it again, it's being staffed by people that staffed on Firan. Why anyone expected anything different to the mentality that prevailed there, I have no idea.
@lordbelh said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
Also, sorry for any trouble with the storylines connected to Victus that are about to be disrupted.
Not the Primarch!
Pew pew pew, my friend. Pew, pew.