Question: I watched a video on YouTube eons ago that went into detail on their interpretation of the RED, BLUE, GREEN ending of ME3 to actually be a trick question.
It basically said that the intended ending was the one where you deny the reapers, the reaper technology explodes, and the Geth die. The reason being that ever since ME2, Shep had Reaper tech implanted in him/her and by ME3 you saw what the Reaper tech was doing to the Illusive Man. So at RGB ending, it was really the Reapers trying to trick Shep by presenting "saving all life by melding biology+reaper tech."
That "Reapers take control" was never the intended selection, and that "the reapers die but everyone is fucked" was made to sound scary enough to be hesitant to choose, but that melding Reaper+biology was their plan all along...and everyone would basically end up like the Illusive Man (implanted, controlled, taken over like the Borg).
Is this pretty much everyone's interpretation of the ending? I dont know if thats how the general ME community viewed the ending, but ever since I saw this video that's been my take; that the RGB Shep ending is ultimately about Shep fighting internally against the Reapers