Well, I could log in but the code says it is invalid.
Turns out I have Morrowind on my Steam account anyway, so I guess I don't need another version.
Well, I could log in but the code says it is invalid.
Turns out I have Morrowind on my Steam account anyway, so I guess I don't need another version.
JUST BECAUSE YOU MOCKED ME (and because I was on that side of town and have been meaning to)... I went to the discnation store and checked out some disc golf stuff... >.>
@Auspice Hey do your thing, disc golfer.
Borderlands 3 Gameplay Trailer!
They showed it live, streamed through the website at the Pax East con, more information will be forthcoming on April 3rd!
@Arkandel said in General Video Game Thread:
That feels like an April Fool's joke.
@Ghost said in General Video Game Thread:
@Arkandel said in General Video Game Thread:
That feels like an April Fool's joke.
At least it's not a movie.
@Ghost said in General Video Game Thread:
@Arkandel said in General Video Game Thread:
That feels like an April Fool's joke.
I always hated coding up the websites for April 1st jokes when I worked for a game company.
This is a little 'RL Things I Love' and a little vidya games:
So for anyone that's been paying attention to the tire fire that is Anthem(but not quite the tire fire that Fallout76 is), here's a video explaining just what the fuck happened to the game and revelation that the gameplay we all saw E3 2017 was still technically considered 'pre-production', even when the game had been in development four years prior.
There's going to be a lot of overlap with all the mistakes made during ME:Andromeda's development and Anthem.
They really, really really need to stop trying to use Frostbite as the be all end all of EA's game engine. It's a shitty thing that doesn't even work for the stuff that it's being used for, save FPS's.
@Testament — Every person I know in my old industry who works (or has worked) at a studio under EA loathes the Frostbite engine with a passion usually reserved for those you've sworn lifelong vengeance against; it's not a degree of emotion one generally sees with regards to development tools.
Coincidentally, no one I know who works at a studio under EA works on FPS games.
ETA: That said, I think the tales of mismanagement and the inability to lock down some pretty core bits of the game's design until way too late in development put the lion's share of the blame on BioWare this time. Frostbite sure as heck didn't help the situation, though.
Oh, I think we can put a lot of the blame on BioWare as well, especially in regards as to not having decent leadership. Or rather a leadership team that couldn't ever agree on anything. Especially when it eventually causes something that apparently is a term I've never heard used so often in 'stress casualties'. When you're taking one to three months of leave due to stress and there's a decent chance you're not coming back at all I feel is more of an epidemic and a effect of weak management and working with a shitty game engine.
Anthem may end up being a great game. Perhaps a year from now, because it's clear that the game was no where close to being done and EA wasn't budging on the pushing the release date back. This is becoming more and more common with games. That now we have multiple publisher and deveolpers talking 'road maps' and multiple week one patches. Where they know the game isn't done, so a method is created to gloss over the fact throughout a year they'll be integrating parts of the game that should've been included at launch.
Just another reason why the game industry needs to unionize.
C’mon, BioWare! Pull it together for Dragon Age: By The Dread Wolf! You’ve made such strides since DA2.
Greetings, fellow Citizens.
The following info-vid is mandatory viewing for all Citizens. Failure to view and like the info-vid will lead to accusations of you being a Commie Mutant Traitor. And we wouldn't want that, would we?
@Runescryer YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We play the tabletop for this on occasion and seeing this makes me...happy.
I was once in a Paranoia game where I had regeneration. The GM ruled that it even worked after death, therefore I ended up having all my clones running around the game at one time. Dead = Cloned + Regen back to life * # of clones.
It was a madhouse.
You really wanna fuck someone over in Paranoia?
Paint gear that is security clearance level yellow with red paint. When a security clearance level RED character starts walking around with what they assume is a RED piece of equipment the computer may assume they've stolen equipment they're not authorized to use.
@Thenomain said in General Video Game Thread:
C’mon, BioWare! Pull it together for Dragon Age: By The Dread Wolf! You’ve made such strides since DA2.
looks at Dragon Age Inquisition
looks at Mass Effect Andromeda
looks at Anthem
...not sure you're looking at the same company I'm looking at. These are all objectively bad games.
By previous measures, DA2 was their last good game. Which is still better than people give it credit.
@Testament — while not everyone seemed to like the shift to open world in Inquisition, the main storyline got generally good reviews, (especially from the people who didn't like that DA2's storyline was built around stakes whose scope was more personal than global). And I'd argue that the game launched a lot more smoothly than any BioWare game has since.
Not everyone liked it, no, but that's true of a lot of games. But Inquisition came down the off-ramp of the development freeway actually still looking like a car. Whereas Andromeda came down with one side panel missing and half the car just unpainted primer, and Anthem had a flat tire, no brakes, and was actually on fire.
(I really enjoy Anthem, but I am under no illusions about the state of the game on day one.)