The only character 'in a relationship' is Lucia.
Dystopia MUX
@escapegoat said in Dystopia MUX:
If EUBanana's who I think he is (SR: London?), then it's definitely a game I'm interested in, but yeah, having looked at it, going to wait for the roster to fill up a bit more.
Yeah, that's me.
Jeez, SR London was a long time ago now!
I just wanna say that there are 14 characters currently on the roster.
I'd really, really love to see Alex (older char, law enforcement, lieutenant), Sublett (younger char, law enforcement), Carlotta (corp elite, fashion designer, PC husband and daughter actively played), and Jenna (corp elite, VP, super awesome) played.
The game is active, plenty going on. I'm having a ball.
Current roster:
Name Sex Vocation
Blood Brothers (gang)
Wut (#2006) young man Matrix RunnerDeep Sixers (gang)
Hammer (#2638) young man LieutenantHermes Comm. (infracorp)
Timothy (#1996) young man JournalistIndependent
Henry (#10599) young man Musician
Dave (#10917) young man MusicianSinochem (corporation)
Jiaxin (#1998) young woman Research Officer
Mei (#7508) young woman Research ManagerSky Reapers (gang)
Pip (#6346) young man Matrix RunnerZPG (infracorp)
Wei (#1997) middle aged man Deputy Chief
Alex (#3312) older man Peace Enforcement Officer
Sawyer (#3953) young man Detective
Sublett (#6204) young man Peace Enforcement OfficerWe really need some ZPG folks. You can take a corp guy or girl (Sinochem or L-A) for instance, and have a ZPG member, too, they're considered a gang for alt purposes. ZPG is basically the corporate police. They're needed for some plot developments.
Should be a lady cop getting rostered like...tonight/tmrw, too, I think.
Yep, two lady cops back on the roster, one a fresh CG.
I was interested, but when I saw a character on the roster whose bio stated he has a romantic attraction to another PC, that turned me off. I don't want to play romance, and I especially don't want to play it with a stranger just because we picked particular characters off a roster.
Was that the only character on the roster?
I don't think an attraction would put me off playing a character. a relationship might but an attraction can be played with out it ever developing into actual romance.
@Kanye-Qwest said in Dystopia MUX:
Was that the only character on the roster?
There are currently 13 PCs on the roster.
Interesting, because I thought all the characters with an inbuilt attraction had that attraction yanked, or at the minimum written in such a way to make it mostly optional. Which one was it?
I looked through all the male chars and only saw 2 that had something like that. And each one it was more of a 'She's pretty hot.' None stood out as a 'omg you totally want to make babies with her' kind of attraction.
The only character 'in a relationship' is Lucia.
@BetterJudgment said in Dystopia MUX:
I was interested, but when I saw a character on the roster whose bio stated he has a romantic attraction to another PC, that turned me off. I don't want to play romance, and I especially don't want to play it with a stranger just because we picked particular characters off a roster.
It's the 'stranger' part that's the problem. Romantic/sexual IC attachments to random people is a no-no-hell-no.
My concern with that stuff is always less about what I'm obligated to do (attractions are fleeting and can be RP'd around/downplayed) than what the other player will take it as license do. I've been on the receiving end of 'This flirtation we agreed to' became 'YOU ARE MY ONE TWU WUV NO YOU CAN'T SAY YOU'RE NOT IT IS DESTINY'. And that was with a player I thought I was on the same page with, not just some rando.
@Three-Eyed-Crow said in Dystopia MUX:
My concern with that stuff is always less about what I'm obligated to do (attractions are fleeting and can be RP'd around/downplayed) than what the other player will take it as license do. I've been on the receiving end of 'This flirtation we agreed to' became 'YOU ARE MY ONE TWU WUV NO YOU CAN'T SAY YOU'RE NOT IT IS DESTINY'. And that was with a player I thought I was on the same page with, not just some rando.
This is my concern as well.
Having been on stage and through improv, I'm aware that "romantically interested" doesn't really mean shit-all. But if the other party doesn't understand that "romantically interested" may be just a passing fancy or future tension, I really can't work with them.
@Ganymede said in Dystopia MUX:
@Three-Eyed-Crow said in Dystopia MUX:
My concern with that stuff is always less about what I'm obligated to do (attractions are fleeting and can be RP'd around/downplayed) than what the other player will take it as license do. I've been on the receiving end of 'This flirtation we agreed to' became 'YOU ARE MY ONE TWU WUV NO YOU CAN'T SAY YOU'RE NOT IT IS DESTINY'. And that was with a player I thought I was on the same page with, not just some rando.
This is my concern as well.
Having been on stage and through improv, I'm aware that "romantically interested" doesn't really mean shit-all. But if the other party doesn't understand that "romantically interested" may be just a passing fancy or future tension, I really can't work with them.
It's still dangerous if instead of 'romantically interested' it's 'arranged marriage' (let alone 'marriage'). Obviously there's still a world of leeway there if people want to play it out without having to involve romance or sex, from white marriages of convenience to actual household warfare, but it's still potentially a recipe for disaster.
Quite. Which is why I took almost all that out from the original draft.
There's only two actual "romantic" relationships built in as it were, and for both of those it makes it clear that they are pretty much on their last gasp, so they can be taken either way - rekindled or mostly ignored.
Mmm I see Dean sort of has one that consists entirely of "she's hot". Not the best rel out there but hardly a romance - he's a newish character too made when things were hectic.
Certainly there is no intention of prebuilt romances anyway, that's pretty much my #1 rule when making them.
Sooooo... game down? WHAT HAPPEN
@Auspice said in Dystopia MUX:
Sooooo... game down? WHAT HAPPEN
Kuramori (one of the larger Mechanipus hosting servers) is undergoing kernel update and
a briefseveral migrations to updated the virtualization setup. Things will start back up when that completes, which I was hoping would be about 90 minutes ago, but will probably be more like another 30-40 minutes.In more technical detail for the morbidly curious:
- Updating the kernel to address privilege escalation vulnerabilities
- Migrated off Linode's legacy Xen environment into their KVM environment
- Migrated again to take advantage of some of their additional service upgrades (trading cpu count for MOAR RAM, etc)
- Resizing of disks
Some of those operations are unfortunately rather slow. Kuu went through most of these updates shortly after decomissioning of The Reach.
Sorry for the inconvenience; please remember that planned maintenance is better than unplanned maintenance, and Dystopia will be back up and perky very soon.