@Tyche said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
Are you one of those that suggest that I might not be acting in my own enlightened interest. Is it possible that I might be deplorable? 
Whether or not one is deplorable is not dependent upon whether one works against one's own interest. Similarly, working against one's own interest does not make one deplorable.
And have you ever given thought to how Canada and the rest of the world have and still benefits from public and private medical research in the United States because of that business model. You know like half of the entire world's spending. And the reason it IS spent here.
There are lots of reasons why a lot of research is done in the United States, and I see no reason to believe that it is solely due to how the medical industry works in this country.
That aside, where are the results of that research? For all of that spending, the United States isn't within a sling's shot of the top 10 nations for health and wellness. We can draw a lot of conclusions based on anecdotes, but I would like to think that a nation that is spending around $110B on medical research would have comparable results to its birth rate and life expectancy.
What is really said is that, while U.S. investment in medical research is actually dropping, so is its status in overall R&D. While it is #1 in the world for total spending, it is #11 for % GDP. The country ranks behind Israel and Switzerland for % GDP spending, which is sad for a nation whose economic dominance was largely based on its ability to out-research other nations.
All of that aside, it is economically feasible to cover every American with Medicare / Medicaid at the current compensation levels. Despite the proliferation of the cruelty of social medicine, there are still many, many Nobel Prize recipients in the field of medicine or physiology that hail from socialist nations, just as there are Americans.
It is not infeasible to devise a system that works better. The private industry has made some "breakthroughs" that have helped to lower costs, but the industry itself has to be regulated by government if it is to survive. From what I've observed, it is the competition itself that makes the system fail.