Mar 30, 2022, 5:35 PM

Update: Rheumatology office called. Told me to follow the Neuro's desired plan (AKA no tylenol for a month, which leaves me with no pain relievers at all) and that he did not feel Medical MJ was something to be considered at this time.

Me to the nurse: Okay then, ask him what the hell he wants me to do for pain, so I .. oh, I don't know, can live and function and work? (I did not raise my voice, or get a snarky tone. I am well aware the nurse does not make these calls. I did say it in a joking sort of way, because I poke fun at this shit to keep my sanity)

Nurse proceeds to tell me not to yell at her, and that she doesn't make the decisions and etc etc. My roommate is staring at the phone in disbelief at the way this woman is talking to me. To the point she spoke up and said "She wasn't yelling, she's trying to find a way to get through her damned day!" ... I'm still waiting on answers.