@seraphim73 So very sad to hear this. I hope you manage to cram in as many good memories as you can into what time you have left. Thoughts are with you and your family.
Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
@seraphim73 So very sad to hear this. I hope you manage to cram in as many good memories as you can into what time you have left. Thoughts are with you and your family.
@helloproject Glad to hear. Super happy for you! Good luck finding a therapist that works for you, but also good job on taking the time to get one that is just right instead of whomever.
@auspice said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
I really, really, really hate when my anemia flares up.
Yes, I take a supplement.
Yes, I try to structure my diet to supplement further.But man I'm having really bad dehydration days lately. I'm thirsty more than hungry the past couple days. I'm already on fill #3 of my 32oz water bottle today. And I just feel like utter shit.
Reeeeeeally hope this doesn't ruin movie experience tonight.
Speaking as someone who has been anemic when not borderline anemic for all of my adult life and some change, the dehydration can be a side-effect of iron toxicity. Other symptoms include nausea, dizziness, low blood pressure, increase pulse rate, a plethora of gastrointestinal problems, etc.
It's entirely possible you are taking an iron supplement that your body isn't processing well. For a while, I was taking Ferrex cos I was finding it easier on my stomach.
As far as efficacy and dosages, I'm afraid the only way to really get that sorted is trial and error -- and a lot of bloodwork over a span of time.
@karmageddon said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
@auspice said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
I really, really, really hate when my anemia flares up.
Yes, I take a supplement.
Yes, I try to structure my diet to supplement further.But man I'm having really bad dehydration days lately. I'm thirsty more than hungry the past couple days. I'm already on fill #3 of my 32oz water bottle today. And I just feel like utter shit.
Reeeeeeally hope this doesn't ruin movie experience tonight.
Speaking as someone who has been anemic when not borderline anemic for all of my adult life and some change, the dehydration can be a side-effect of iron toxicity. Other symptoms include nausea, dizziness, low blood pressure, increase pulse rate, a plethora of gastrointestinal problems, etc.
It's entirely possible you are taking an iron supplement that your body isn't processing well. For a while, I was taking Ferrex cos I was finding it easier on my stomach.
As far as efficacy and dosages, I'm afraid the only way to really get that sorted is trial and error -- and a lot of bloodwork over a span of time.
I don't think that's the issue because I notice a decrease in the symptoms when I get even further sources of iron (like my tuna for lunch yesterday) into me. I use Blood Builder (https://www.amazon.com/MegaFood-Builder-Boosting-Supplement-Tablets/dp/B00014ECYU) since it has other things to help me absorb it like Vitamin C, folate, etc. It's been the kindest to my stomach of the ones I've taken, too. I also take calcium and magnesium (at different times of day so as to not off-set the whole thing).
But I know my anemia has been bad. Some people get dark circles under their eyes? I'm losing pigmentation around my eyes. I never expected to have to add color around my eyes when doing makeup y'all.
@auspice Pigmentation loss akin to vitiligo or leucoderma? I know the onset of those can (not always) be caused by vitamin B-12 deficiency anemia, AKA pernicious anemia. Can also be caused by certain thyroid disorders, too.
The product you linked lists B-12. One possibility is that you don't effectively methylate B-12. (There is a genetics test to determine that, but I'm not sure if insurance will cover it.) B-12 isn't toxic even if you take too much, so you might want to consider adding a methylated form of B-12. That supposedly will help with absorption. Not having enough B-12 can cause all kinds of problems.
That said, and to undoubtedly state the obvious, speak with your physician. My dad was a hematologist; I never was. heh.
@karmageddon said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
@auspice Pigmentation loss akin to vitiligo or leucoderma? I know the onset of those can (not always) be caused by vitamin B-12 deficiency anemia, AKA pernicious anemia. Can also be caused by certain thyroid disorders, too.
The product you linked lists B-12. One possibility is that you don't effectively methylate B-12. (There is a genetics test to determine that, but I'm not sure if insurance will cover it.) B-12 isn't toxic even if you take too much, so you might want to consider adding a methylated form of B-12. That supposedly will help with absorption. Not having enough B-12 can cause all kinds of problems.
That said, and to undoubtedly state the obvious, speak with your physician. My dad was a hematologist; I never was. heh.
Kinda, maybe? I just know the skin around my eyes has gotten steadily paler and some of my eyelashes have gone white, which is hella abnormal. Like, most people don't see that until they're at least 70. Which is why I think I'm losing pigmentation in that area.
But it's on the list to ask about when I see my new doc in a couple weeks. Could be related to my hypothyroidism, too. I haven't actually had my thyroid checked / meds adjusted in a few years.
@auspice If you have vitiligo around the eyes, that could also extend to your eyelashes. Most people think vitiligo is a large amount of lost pigmentation throughout the body, but that's not necessarily the case. Pernicious anemia can cause vitiligo.
My unsolicited advice is to definitely ask about pernicious anemia and the possibility you either are not taking enough B-12 or you are not methylating it. If you're not methylating it, it doesn't matter how much you take. Your body simply won't process it, so it's effectively like taking none at all.
eta: i spel gud
Well it is the morning of Christmas Day and my grandfather just died.
@packrat I am so sorry for your heartbreak this morning.
@packrat I am so sorry to hear this. Best to you and yours today; much sympathy.
@packrat I am so sorry for your loss.
Listening to my wife help someone who has lost a family member this morning ...
Just a reminder that humans do try to do and be the right thing sometimes.
If you need help, there is someone out there., ready and willing to help.
Thanks everyone, it was not entirely unexpected given he was 94 and has been rapidly going downhill with asbestosis for nine months now but still horrible. Mostly to be honest because of the effect on my mother, especially given we were all about to go visit to give him his Christmas presents.
Still, he got to 94 and up until the last year was still completely there mentally whilst being in good enough physical shape to do his own gardening and house work. He got to see his first great grandchild as well so he had a good run.
@packrat That is really awful, and I'm sorry your family is dealing with it.
So I had a recruiter get in touch with me last week and had a Skype interview... for Atlassian. Tech types may know the name. These are the guys behind Jira. Bitbucket. Confluence. A lot of things. They're kind of a big name out there. Just getting your foot in their door is a big deal.
It'd be a 6 month contract with possibility to hire. I'm antsy about contracts, but just their name on my resume would open doors.
I had to do a tech screen... which pulled on knowledge I haven't had to use in about a decade. I was sure I'd bombed it.
Nope. They wanna interview me on Friday.
I'm scared to even begin to get hopeful here.
@auspice We will do the hoping for you, so you can continue to be pessimistic about it and not screw up your chances.
So. I mean. I dunno. Second part of interview seemed to be going great but then the interviewer got distracted by people outside the room (glass windows), lost his train of thought, and it sort of lost steam and I'm not sure he knew how to wrap it up. We had good rapport overall... But I wasn't able to get it back on track or really bring it to a close myself and I'm afraid that I blew it as a result.
Supposed to hear back today or Monday.
@auspice If you hear back on new year's day then they want you baaad.
@arkandel said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
@auspice If you hear back on new year's day then they want you baaad.
Well, I mean, they did a Skype interview and tech screening last week and an in-person interview this week. I'd say they're pretty interested as it is.
@auspice I think your interviewer was multi-mushing, if the interview scene got so slow and distracted. You should have said something OOC and bailed. Rewarding that sort of distracted play is a waste of your time. You should raise a complaint to the staff of the place. Do they have a +gripe command?