This could just as easily be in RL Anger, but it's not even that.
It's also a rerun on things I've already said, but fuck it.
I feel so totally defeated by panic disorder. I can't find a single thing that works, or even brings much by way of relief, and oh gosh have I ever tried. How much have you tried, Solstice?
I've tried and failed with 14 medications over the past year. The reason for that high number is that I found out that every SSRI and most anti-anxiety meds carry the side-effect of 'drowsiness or dizziness'. What that means in terms of my jerk of a body is absolutely debilitating vertigo and nausea.
My health care team is pretty checked-out, and even though I've been on a journey of over a dozen medications with her, my psychiatrist frequently forgets who the hell I even am.
Hard not to despair. And because the only med that even halfway works is a benzo, I'm trapped on something that doesn't let me drink or smoke the devil's lettuce, which makes the parties I do have the spoons to get to a bit of a bummer, as I'm by default the sober person in the room.
Just defeated.