We just bought a new house. It needs a lot of work, but it's way better than the one bedroom place we were in that was super tiny. Way too tiny for two people, definitely too tiny for four people. But as a result my kids are NOT used to stairs and this thing has stairs everywhere: front porch, back porch, going to the second floor and basement!
My parents dropped off a set of really cute pink chairs and tables for the kids to have outside. Since the back deck is not up to code I asked that they take them out to the front porch so they can people watch or even better the side yard.
As I walked through the living room I see my four year old move her chair to the edge of the stairs and sit. I start to run and put my hand on the screen door handle as she tips backwards and falls, hitting forehead first, twisting, then flipping down six old fashioned 60's concrete stairs.
I honestly thought I was watching her die or break all her arms and legs or her neck. She was screaming, my older daughter went tearing through the house screaming for my husband, the teenager across the street who watched it all went yelling inside for his mom to help, and I scooped her up and started checking her all over. No broken arms, no broken legs, no broken collarbone. As I walked her to the garage to get the car in case we had to go to the ER she cracked a joke and started laughing.
The only injury she had and I have NO IDEA how is a scrape her to forehead. It's not even bad. That's it. Pediatrician just had us watch her for four hours for any weird behavior (vomiting, dizziness, lethargy) because that's all the hospital would do. She's absolutely, totally fine.
This kid, man. Clumsy as hell but somehow, SOMEHOW has managed to avoid any serious injury. But today we're going to go learn the drive to the local hospital. Just in case.