The Crafting Thread
@reimesu I can talk you through the sewing!
- 22 days later
- about a month later
- 17 days later
I finally made a thing I'm happy enough with to post!
Somebody posted on Reddit/Imgur about some custom tokens they made for a board game called Spirit Island. Their post is here: was inspired by this! But wanted to do more elemental/primal sort of tokens, so here is my take on them:
- 3 months later
@SinCerely "I haven't finished <thing>" is literally the only reason I'm still alive right now, I'm pretty sure of that.
There are so many possibilities for what that thing is, though, I'm now afraid that some day I'll darn the right sock and just drop dead on the spot.
Or live forever.
I honestly do not know which is worse.
- 12 days later
I really envy the females in my family. My mother quits BEAUTIFULLY. My older sister does Stained Glass, my younger sister paints, and my youngest sister knits.
I missed the craft gene completely. I envy people who have it. #envyenvyenvy
I found this pattern and I am absolutely making it.
If I have yarn left over / if it's not too tricky to make, I might be willing to make one or two for cost of supplies/shipping for anyone interested (this is all post-holidays since I've got a few gifts to make for people!).
Speaking of those gifts:
I'm delving into mini embroidery to make a necklace for my mom. I've meant to for ages, but I'm gonna finally give it a shot. :X -
- 2 years later
@Hella Where do you find these? I want to frustrate myself!
@Macha I found that one at just now, but look for dollhouse kits, you'll find things like this.
@Macha you can get them on Amazon by searching DIY miniature house kit.
Edit to add: the ones with more flowers/floral stuff are the WORST. I recommend avoiding them to start.
Thanks. You know the ADHD is always looking for something new to do.
@Macha if you get really stuck you can usually find a youtube walk through of someone putting one together. The instructions really are that terrible.