Apr 19, 2017, 3:34 PM

@Arkandel said in MSB: The meta-discussion:

Fucktard Johnson on TR

Long live Fucktard Johnson!

On topic: I feel that MSB is generally a good thing. When it's applied with productivity in mind. Slinging mud for the sake of slinging mud(of which I have been guilty of too) rarely really has a purpose other than to take a swing at someone else.

Overall I'm generally very happy with the more positive side of MSB. I think that it's good for the hobby in general for places like MSB to be more positive. You can take in the opinions of others much more easily and give them due consideration when you're not preparing to attack someone or defend yourself every other post.

Don't get me wrong, sometimes you've just got to call someone out or whatever but I think it reached a point in the past where it became a practice which was utilized toward the most mundane of issues. Both barrels would sometimes be fired at someone simply for deigning to exist as though it would somehow deter them forevermore from the hobby and an inconvenient presence would be removed.

No, I tend to appreciate the act of compromise that seems to becoming more prevalent. Even if a compromise isn't found, the disagreeing parties at least tend to be able to just nod at one another and go their separate ways. Venom isn't there as often as it once was, which I think is altogether good for the hobby.