May 9, 2017, 7:57 PM

@Ganymede Honestly, I really just don't know at this point. The characterizations of people who really just want a heads-up on things they would prefer to avoid (so that they can do that most effectively) goes beyond 'a bit much' for me and into areas of entitlement and ugliness and bigotry that I'd really just rather not engage with, and has a lot of 'playing the victim' undercurrents that are straining my irony tolerance harder than normal.

I wouldn't fault any other place for not doing what seems like common sense to me, especially if it's something nobody's done before.

I will explain why it seems like common sense to me -- which is, in part, why all of my files are ninety miles long. When people see a new what, generally, they're going to want to know why. And that's fair. I would want to know what the rationale was for something new or different that I hadn't encountered before.