@WTFE said in UX: It's time for The Talk:
Enjoy your DOS box as well. It was made for you.
So it needs to come down to, bright, shiny, easy to use? Might as well be on an iPad or a Surface. We shouldn't even need clients, every game should be an approved App in the App store. If its broken, we should just be able to write a bad review, saying we get no support and we want the widget feature to work a certain way?
Because angry birds has revolutionized the game industry, every game should be angry birds but with a different skin.
Some people want different games with different features. Accepting Ares or Evennia or Mud as the game, and altering theme to tastes is fine and well, I support it, I personally enjoy Ares and will try Ares Mu*s when they start rolling. Am I going to attack the code base? No, I applaud there efforts.
Mu* and all those help files, was released at a time before internets and code schools on-line. They put all the damn information into the help files so you can make whatever you want, some people choose to put a + in front of some of that shit to identify it as unique to the system.
Imagine if they never put those help files in? Would there have been an increase in text games? Probably not, because it would have been 10 times more unfriendly then you all see it now with your 2017 hindsight glasses. Would a lot of the current developers of the new systems we're seeing now even have gotten into this 'hobby' to actually develop it?
News flash, people still use Unix and Linux for their operating systems. Why? Because if they don't like the pre-installed calculator app because it doesn't handle chaos math so well for their amateur meteorology hobby, they can find code that does or write/alter it themselves ... without writing a bad review of calculator app (whine, this calculator sucks, it doesn't do what I want to), or trying to find one that works just right.
News flash2, are the Unix people complaining about users? Man, all these app users and their demands for better UX, if they would just learn to code a little! Not as much as the app users apparently demanding a better UX.
This is a hobby, everyone is in it for enjoyment of the hobby. Do we need to continually insult people that have developed and will continue to develop?