@Vorpal said in Comics Stuff:
I think I know what happened- the Cosmic Cube didn't restore Steve Rogers to youth-
It brought in a parallel universe Steve Rogers who was a HYDRA sleeper agent. His memories are therefore consistent with his history even if they are not consistent with o-
No. I've got nothing, really. I don't see how they can pull this off without staining Cap.
Well, given the telepathic Red Skull(the Cube in question was actually a small child with Cosmic Cube powers, for reference) lurking around the periphery of that particular situation and the scenes about Steve's Hydra indoctrination being completely gray save for a few splashes of red, this or some variation on it(editing Steve's actual history the same way that he once did Sam's seems likely, though I'm sure there'll be another twist or something on this concept) is almost certainly what's going on here.
Personally, I'm kind of apathetic bordering on rolling my eyes at Marvel and, really, DC Comics* seemingly having decided to compete to see who could spin the dumbest twist to draw some eyes to their perpetually flagging sales, but if this turns out to be a story about Steve(and Sam, who'll have even more time as 'the' Captain America before the status quo reasserts itself) and co. fighting to protect Steve's own core self and values from the Red Skull, I feel like the character will be fine in the long run, even if he'll probably be in for some Bucky-esque angst once it's all said and done.
(* Obviously, DC's specific flavor of dumb twist** is a wholly different animal, and I'm not in any way trying to trivialize the feelings of people who may be genuinely offended by the Cap reveal, etc. )
(** But, seriously, Geoff, Watchmen? Really?)