Steam Buddies?
I have Talisman and would be down for a few games between my Witcher 3 playing.
On another note I've had a lot of ghost accounts try to friend me lately, are any of you guys NxlZhr(MxM)?
I have it and might be interested. I sprung for the season pass, so I have EVERYTHING. The poor Dwarf and Elf have cobwebs on them.
I could get down on some Civilization: Beyond Earth sometime. I've also got a bunch of those board games that have been made into computer games, like Ticket To Ride and Small World. I've got XCOM: Enemy Within/Unknown, Crusader Kings II, Civ 5, Sid Meier's Railroads!, Torchlight, Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War I & II with all expansions. I think Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes has a multiplayer, and I'm really awesome at Far Cry 3. I've also got Left 4 Dead 1 & 2, and Dead Island.
Aside from Steam, I've got an EVE Online account. I'm Somasatori on that.
On Steam, I'm Somasatori.
Oh, also on Secret World, but I can't remember my character's name. It's been a bit. My account name is Somasatori.
And! If you want to get down with some Fable 3, some Mass Effect 3 multiplayer explosions, or whatever, my Xbox Live name is Somasatori1.
If you're sensing a trend...
@Jaded @The-Tree-of-Woe, I'm 'Princess Jellyfish' on Steam right now. If you want to add me, I can prod you about Talisman sometime!
I am... honestly not sure what I have that's multiplayer-OK., less still what will run on my laptop. I do know a lot of the shit I'd actually LIKE to play in multiplayer is no longer MP-OK on Steam.
@Cobaltasaurus I have sent you the thingee.
Awesome! I'm studying tonight with my lab partners for our AstroPhys course, but maybe tomorrow or later?
@somasatori We have many games in common, but I wouldn't mind doing a little Civ:BE some weekend. Dawn of War I'd need to reinstall. Civ 5 is always installed. I think I have railroads! never done that multiplayer though.
- 13 days later
I just finished Witcher 3 and will be writing my review. If anyone wants to know what I thought of the game and whatnot, if you're on the fence for purchase, feel free to message me or ask questions here.
Or hell on any of the games in my library if you're on my friends list.
ETA: My review is up, for those of my Steam friends who might want to read it.
I have free game codes for the following games for anyone who wants them, just message me here or in Steam, I have added their blurbs and state of reviews as of today:
Cyberpunk 3776 (think Galaga, R-Type, etc)
Cyberpunk 3776 harkens back to the glory days of arcade shoot-em-ups. It all begins on a postapocalyptic earth and proceeds into space. Your journey will be a metaphor about life and death, a road that every person has to walk down alone.This game has Mostly Positive reviews.
Hare in the Hat
Evil magician holds the Hare imprisoned. Your quest is to save him! Join the fabulous adventure in perfect mix of hidden object, puzzle and room escape genres!This game has Mostly Positive reviews.
Shin Samurai Jazz
Shin Samurai Jazz is a platform-adventure game. It combines the likes of film noir and samurai cinema, presenting them with 8-bit graphics, an electro-jazz soundtrack, and a comic/manga-like style creating a unique atmosphere.This game has Positive reviews
@Rook I just copied the blurb from the steam store page so people had an idea what the game was lol.
Summer Sale is on and there's some cool stuff on sale.
Talisman is 70% off. I'm picking up a copy.
And the bizarre game you have to play to get discounts?
@Misadventure Just use the autoclicker scripts off reddit and go to town.
You don't even have to do that. Just join a game. You still get stuff for fighting bosses even if you quit out of steam.
Wait.. you have to play the game to get any real discounts? It won't even let me join any of them. I guess I am SOL if any of the games I want hit the sales.
No, I don't think you have to play it. It's just that there are milestones and discounts that are opened depending on how many people play. It looks like they are unlocked for everyone, but we won't know until 9am PST tomorrow. The week long sales and the flash sales are still there though.
Is it just me or have a lot of the sales been lackluster so far? Or maybe I just own too many games...
I picked up a bunch of the LEGO series games and two of the Witcher games so far. >.> I was HOPING the level up DLC for Borderlands Pre would be on sale, but apparently only the Season Pass is, and I already have everything from it but for that one part.