Mutant Genesis (X-Men)
@Wolfs No idea. More of the same, maybe?
@iluvgrumpycat If so, too little, too late in my case. I wasn't looking to have anyone punished, but after the attitude he expressed when people brought it up, I was hoping staff would at least tell him to chill especially when others mention it as bugging them. If someone is commanding an excess of attention in a lounge or on a channel, the solution shouldn't be for those bothered by it to leave or shut it off. It should end in the person causing it knocking it off.
@wolfs Yeah, Pyro basically treating all the various communication venues as his personal ICQ channel is one of the reasons I left, and in part his behavior was what I tried to address with staff.
I really hope staff pays attention to these critiques and does something constructive with them.
@cupcake You know how staffers always say "We'd love to try to address problems but we can't do it if nobody files a complaint!" and all that? Well, it seems people did in this case and finally it helped get something done, but in the meantime it still impacted enough people that at least two left first.
So.... I had a long, topsy-turvy relationship with the place but I don't think it's right to say the staff are sinister folks or anything. Up front, as far as I know I've never met any of them beforehand.
Initially I apped, something something disagreement about the char I picked, and I kinda gave up on it. No one really did anything horrible it was just kind of bad communication / difference of direction (and maybe trust, etc). Maybe I felt they were too 'mistrustful' of a new player, assuming the worst etc, but I don't really blame them with what they were going for.
Then I apped later on the DC half of the game, not knowing it was the same folks. Char I've always wanted to play was free, took her, had quite a bit of fun. A lot of good people there (if Wonder Girl/Cassie is around anywhere, I miss you!), and if there were any clique issues... well, I wouldn't say it was the staff enforcing it. Some people apped in with friends and so maybe focused their RP there.
At the point the DC stuff got melded back over, they nudged me toward a mutant alt (and even helped me get one that was idling, a char I'd been too slow on the first time 'round) and into some RP. I dunno if it's a clique so much as they seem to like my RP. Maybe they could be more active about nudging all sectors of the game into activity, though on the other hand a lot of people sit perma-idle who could easily get on grid.
So it's probably a bit of everyone needing to be a little more proactive?
@kitteh said in Mutant Genesis (X-Men):
So it's probably a bit of everyone needing to be a little more proactive?
Honestly, this is something I hit just about everywhere these days. So many people just sort of... sit on their hands and seem afraid to go out and do much of anything.
It's so so hard to get people to do stuff. Like, I say this as an ST! I can advertise plots and scenes and people just... don't show. I can schedule for times people say are good and then half those people don't show up.
I promise, while in some cases there might be cliques, I talk to a lot of people who are just struggling to find RP and just aren't talking to each other. Person A feels like they're on the outside, but so does Person B, C, and D... and when I ask them all if they've asked for RP, talked to people, etc., it's 'Well, I'm just not sure...' 'I'm scared of saying anything...'
Speak up! Chat! Say hi! Ask for RP! Put up a social event!
I promise. If you feel awks, so do a few other people.
(This advice goes for p much every game out there.)
I've had my moments of spamming channels like Wolverine/Pyro does in that log that @Wolfs shared, but it all depends on the frquency, I guess.
Then again, I'm sure I've been the annoying bane on the side of someone more than once. Just ask @ILuvGrumpyCat.
It was fairly constant with Pyro/Wolverine. Constant. @Coin can probably attest to the fact that I'm someone that can hold my own with people like that, I can give as good as I get and am not a shrinking violet, but I even felt drowned out in the noise that was Pyro/Wolverine. I never had bad interactions with him, but he was ALWAYS running his mouth.
Honestly, not sure what it was about the game in general but I never felt comfortable in my own skin there. Maybe it was the constant noise from people like him. He wasn't the only one that would dominate things.
I hate this archetype. Usually it manifests when someone treats the general channel as their personal outlet for everything about their character, from the moment that PC enters CGen ("SHOULD I MAKE A GANGREL BUT I ALWAYS WANTED A MEKHET") to every detail about their background ("he was a blacksmith in Syberia, poor guy, and then when he was sixteen...") all the way to their future plans ("I'll make him get into crime, and he's gonna have a cool Rolls Royce with white leather seats he'll drive everywhere") and every other thought that goes through their head.
Ugh. We don't care, dude.
@iluvgrumpycat When Pyro took up Wolverine, he just would not shut up on the channel about this stupid boat he had in whatever cove there was at the lake on Xavier's property. Then one time he brings Wolverine onto the Brotherhood channel just to (briefly, thankfully, because doing it already with Pyro just wasn't enough) spam that one too, about switching teams because of some stupid reason. No, he wasn't serious, but it was just another example.
I'm glad they finally banned him, because he was a cancer with all of the "PAY ATTENTION TO MEEEEEE" crap.
@wolfs said in Mutant Genesis (X-Men):
I'm glad they finally banned him, because he was a cancer with all of the "PAY ATTENTION TO MEEEEEE" crap.
They banned him? When did this happen?
@cupcake Someone mentioned it in this thread yesterday.
@wolfs Ah. Well, the one lady I'd really want to play is being apped by someone else now, so I'll be making like Elsa.
Uhm, I too find spamming to be annoying, but on its own it's not usually ban-worthy.
Unless there were other factors not mentioned in this thread of course, it seems like a bit of an overreaction.
Pyro was a huge problem player. Several other players left the game because of him and he, if I remember correctly, was one of the primary forces in taking the Brotherhood into a very weird direction. He was very deserved of a ban.
After looking at MGX, it seems to be more-or-less what I was looking for, maybe not exactly the era, but the idea of it.
- 14 days later
I let my characters idle into oblivion. The game was fine, I was just never able to RP. There's a set window of time where most activity takes place, and if your RP window falls out of it, forget it.
When I was available to RP in that time, and people agreed to RP with me, I had to wait 2+ hours for the friend circles to stop talking to each other before they went, 'oh yeah, someone asked to RP'. There was at least one instance where I waited 10 hours to find RP. I was proactive. I had ideas. I got 'sure, let's rp'. And then it never happened.
Unrelated to this game (again, I find no fault in it), perhaps the 'no one does anything' common complaint on MU*s is related to MUSHes being treated as extended Facebook/Twitter/Discord chat servers for friends instead of games.
I have had a hard time with that too, @Nein, and it seems to have gotten a little bit better as I become less of an unknown quantity(?), but there are some people who are entirely friendly but it just seems so difficult to move them IC. But that frustration seems to be endemic these days, since I wind up feeling that way at every game I play at.
Then again, I've been told by people I like that I'm intimidating; I know I have my moments of being a shit. So maybe it's me...
@the-tree-of-woe I don't think it is you. Almost every game I have touched the last year or so has had the same issue. People want to socialize but not necessarily RP.
One part of the issue I've had lately is people "want" to RP, but they don't want to be responsible for any part of the generation process.
They don't want to come up with where, what, or the set.
They'll ask me if I want to RP.
"Where to?" or "What should we RP?" you asked me. Why do I need to come up with it all now?When I approach someone to RP, I generally try to have something in mind to RP. A goal in mind.
This is why most of us hate BaRP. It's meandering, pointless.
It's why I personally generally don't reply to the call for 'anyone wanna RP?' in OOC Lounges because 9 times out of 10 when I do, it's followed by them wanting me to come up with the where and what.
Like hey, if I have a where/what in mind, I'll put up a call for RP. If I'm responding, the onus should be on you to have those things in mind, damnit! Hell, if you have a where/what, I'll generally even set!