Characters You Enjoyed Playing
I've had plenty of characters I've enjoyed, but some do shine a bit brighter in my memory than others. On MUs, I suppose these three stand out the most:
Faolan O'Rourke, a rundown and lazy 'old hand' in The Reach's Police Department. I loved the Law Sphere and its sense of community, and the small beat cop moments that some pretty great storytellers wove. And of course the people were (if not universally) pretty great. At least the ones I had anything to do with. He nearly had a heart attack getting shot at, fell into a massive depression after being dragged into a ghost story (he was willfully ignorant of the greater world of darkness), and had a chance to educate some new grunts from the academy in the best ways of avoiding a) working too much, b) where to get the best food for extended lunch breaks, c) how to get other people to do your paperwork and d) survive!
David Wright-Phillips Austere, of RfK. I find it hard to count the brilliant moments of fun on that game, even if it had its share of great frustrations as well. He was only really supposed to be a Carthian to look after his ward, while trying to convert her into proper Circleness, but for various reasons he ended up deep in the Carthian conspiracies. I'm still a bit sad that the first version died before he had a chance to seize the reigns of Prince, since I'd have loved to see the fallout of all the double dealing scheming he'd been up to to secure it. Shoutout to @Ganymede 's Cai, who was delightful, and @Caryatid 's Nora, and @mietze 's cannibal ghoul (the things you can bond over). The dynamic he had with Baptiste was pretty great, too. Both working for the cause, but with all the tension of ambitions vampires with opposing religious views. They orchestrated the ascensions of the Movement and the overthrow of the Invictus. He always intended to make Baptiste pay for making David beg forgiveness for insulting Phineas, (Phineas' condition for being Baptiste's Sheriff and supporting his Praxis), though. No, neither being made Seneschal or the boon covered the burning humiliation of that moment, not even by a long shot!
Alphard Pollux Black, of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I pretty much made him just for a lark. He was obnoxious, and terrible, and quite easily manipulated by preying on his various bigotries or oversized ego. Both happened quite a lot, which I greatly enjoyed. He was also the butt end of many a joke, and that was sort of the point, too. I remember best Ria, and Medusa, Andromena, Douglas and Julian, and all that Harry Potter hijinxing.
With honorable mentions to brutish Victus Thrax, the always cowardly Corrigan (Pete, you should've listened when he said he was going to run away. RIP, buddy), the always dependable Ser Harold Charlton, and vamp-hater Recket with his endless supplies of fireballs.
@lordbelh I only got to play with you as Victus but he certainly left an impression with me. Great RP every time.
Igor on Haunted Memories, was my first forray into MU*ing and Werewolf. An older russian veteran wolf, who travelled to Austria chasing down a Ghost Child who was the focus of his former pack's downfall. Stuck around for a good while, although I did sadly I suppose come in at the end of that game's lifetime.
Warwick on TheReach, Mastigos Mage running from the Chicago mob with a history in counter terrorism in the UK. My attempt at a Silver Ladder politicing sort of guy, was great fun to play but again he came up at the end of TheReach's lifetime.
Bob on TheReach, a Changeling Fairest and my first forray into that sphere. A Prince Charming who kept looking for his princess, but once he finds her he always ends up dissatisfied and kills her. Never intended for him to actually find the one in a PC for obvious reasons. Had a very grandiose persona, seeing the world as a story where he was the protaganist.
Joan Dark on Bump In The Night, didn't play her much but I greatly enjoyed playing Joan when I did. A former US spook who got caught up being a thrall to some vampire in the middle east. Mind broken by vitae addiction and repetetive Dominate usage, escapes and comes back to the states convinced "they" are still following her. Living off the grid, paranoid as fuck and suffering from Vitae withdrawl which she tried to sate with heroin.
Gabriel on Arx, my only attempt at L&L, and I did greatly enjoy playing him most of the time. It was nice to try and play the mature/stoic/strong leadership sort in a setting where that actually had some form of effect, to whatever degree I managed it. Sadly didn't work out in the end as geography is against me in this hobby.
@faceless To be fair, it would be: human sized rat traps, well dressed mercenaries, a continuous loop of "Angel of the Morning" blasted from a helicopter and... actually, the donkey was spot on.
@olsson sorry about the time zones. I had a couple of really good scenes with you on Gabe.
@olsson said in Characters You Enjoyed Playing:
Warwick on The Reach.
Gabriel on ArxI remember a few interactions with Warwick, but what I remember most? Running the same meeting(s), twice in a day, to account for non-U.S. time zones. We bumped into one another from time to time, but ultimately we ran in different circles.
Gabriel though? I'll always remember you as Gabriel. So much was said between Gabriel and his pseudo pupil, without the need to speak. They were just fun to throw together and see them staring at one another, stoic and stern, but holding varying levels of respect for one another.
It was the night that Alaric woke up and Gabriel came marching into King Turnip's room, my character intercepted him in order to prevent him from getting too close given the nature of the situation - suddenly assassins, of any variety and stripe(or face), became a much more real threat to him that night. That's a scene that I remember very fondly and will be cemented in my head as a great Gabriel-Rybread scene, on top of all the other planning, advising, and most importantly instructing scenes. There was no 'OMG EYE R TEH REGENT!' or OOC nonsense, it was all kept IC and we rolled with it. Two unyielding figures facing one another down. There was an unspoken understanding there and their respective reasons.
Rybread will proudly tell people that he learned a great deal about command, strategy, and the like from Gabriel.
I really miss Gabriel with you at the helm.
I really wished as original-Cristoph I had gotten to interact with Gabriel more, we only ran into each other once pretty briefly but I imagine they would have gotten on really well given how serious I was playing Cristoph as.
Well, outside of the spending so much gold on parties thing, but that was serious! Very important to make social contact and positive impressions on people in the capital.
Added: No idea how Cristoph might be now! I mean I stopped playing him like nine months ago so whoever took him over has had the character and developed him for longer.
@packrat said in Characters You Enjoyed Playing:
Added: No idea how Cristoph might be now! I mean I stopped playing him like nine months ago so whoever took him over has had the character and developed him for longer.
Cristoph is currently played by a seemingly cool player and has done some cool things with the character. You would be proud
I recently worked with him on something IC. Was fun to form the cousin bond between Laurent and Fidante.
Thought of a few more I enjoyed RPing as:
Brina@BSO: She was fun. I kept her a bit more focused on Marine/MP stuff, not wanting her to be as 'spechul snowflake' as Alessandra wound up being, but she still had her moments to shine despite that. I eventually retired her because I just felt like her story ran its course and I didn't want to try and push too hard and possibly mar her in some way.
Liza@SW1: My near human TIE pilot. She wound up being a hoot! I never could get her piloting skills up high enough to have her really compare to some of the older pilot PCs on the game but I didn't care. Even failing as her was fun as hell. She had a huge crush, and later something of an inappropriate relationship with her CO which ended on a tragically sad note. Miss RPing as her, too.
I've had quite a few characters I've enjoyed over the years. I didn't start out in the MU community. My introduction to RP was on AOL and it was by accident, many, many moons ago. It was there I met the person who would introduce me to MUs and the first one was Firan.
Cataryna - I played her for quite a while and she eventually became pretty skilled at healing. I was able to take her to war season and have her help out soldiers on the battle front and in triage. Working with the players who put war season together was always stressful but fun and I definitely found a lot of good folks who eventually became friends from playing Cataryna.
Dalasi - When I didn't want to play a noble, I had this side piece alt, Dalasi Whitefeather whom I played for a while, then rostered, then took her again then rostered but eventually took her back. She was a Gladiator; a small, fiery, wild, free spirit who had an affinity for naming her kids after different types of birds. She became a guard for the Clan Leader's family, was a well known armorer and it was just fun to have a character that was a sassy ball buster.
Tia - The Last Tia on Firan. That was me. I had no intention on taking her and sort of last minute I put in an application for her. I was pretty surprised to get her. At the point in her life when I started playing her, Tia was still a sought after socialite, wife of the Clan Leader, and an absolute delight. While I did not play her very long, I had some pretty memorable scenes with Cecilia, Ojitar, and Atreidian.
Firan was not the place where I made any life altering changes or part of the metaplot but that was Firan and that is neither here nor there. I had fun with all the characters I played there regardless of how long I actually played them.
I played some on The Reach for a while, Star Crusades, The Fifth World, Reno, Fallcoast.... I enjoyed the characters I created but nothing really grabbed me for the long term until Arx. Maybe it's the whole Lords and Ladies thing. Maybe that's my jam
Calista - There is so much I can say about this character. She is not at all the character she was initially designed to be because of life changes. She's evolved into something far more intriguing and her story is utterly fascinating to me. She went from being the socialite little sister to a business minded Duchess of her family who ended up marrying a man from the family of her greatest nemesis. And that's just the stuff I can talk about! I'm definitely invested in this story and definitely cannot wait to see where it goes.
@olsson I don't think anyone has managed the gravitas that you brought to Gabriel since. I wish your timezones weren't an issue, he and Sam had such a great relationship, and I have frequently enjoyed her realization that she has effectively married her foster dad.
Well it's fun to reminiscent, so here is my list. It's ruled by characters who are the quirkiest, either in their personality, mannerism or something in their background. In no particular order:
Seanna on Shadowed Isles - the Fianna Galliard who was the scrappy tomboy of the pack, and gradually matured into her responsibilities to pack and sept (even respected!). I eventually retired her along with the rest of her pack, but she had arguably my most complete PC life-cycle and immersive play with a clearcut start and finish to her story. She was in a few adventure scenes that were BAR NONE the most memorable I have had with any Mush PC's (i.e. the Tibetan scenes, for instance), so that definitely helps cement her as one of my favorite characters.
Interestingly, Seanna is also the only character on this list that had a romantic relationship as part of her regular RP. Wherever you are, Gideon, hi!
Marianne Beaufort on Denver - I didn't play Marianne very long, but gosh she was fun. She was a Ventrue from London, and showed up with her coterie consisting of her various childer -- she was the elder of the group and brains of the operation, but she posed as the youngest of the bunch so people would underestimate her. The main fun I had with Marianne was her extensive and ridiculous vocabulary: she was infamous for using big words, archaic words, obscure words, and occasionally fabricated words to confuse everyone. I had to do a lot of research just to have a list handy for it.
"They want to interfate my gaudiloquence? I say pish-posh to those oncethmus aretalogers."
Scissors on Generation-X - Alas the game was short-lived, but Scissors was a 15 year-old Bonegnawer Ahroun who had no money, a drug-addict mom, and Rage-8. She was bubbling with anger all the time and physically shaking with barely constrained Rage; the fun part was her constant struggle against just blowing her top and killing someone outright, because she was the responsible one in the family. I liked her so much Scissors has been my namesake in Mushland.
Sydney Rae on Darkwater - Sydney was a mortal on a Changeling game, but also a Federal agent who was looking into weird stuff. Her story was a tragic one - her toddler son was taken by the Gentry and eventually someone app'd him as a PC (as a grownup, of course), unfortunately soon after I lost interest in Mushing and faded away. She never really found out about Changelings, though she knew many of them and figured out some of them were paranormal in some ways, but never dug too deep because she befriended some and they helped reunite her with her lost son. In my years of Mushing, Sydney was the one character who I could see as a viable TV/movie lead.
Mad Jack on Oathcircle - A barely literate Redcap with Intelligence score of 1, Mad Jack was more an attack dog than human. He was crazy, violent and disgusting, but also childlike in demeanor and I played him as comic relief. He seemed well-received by the Freehold despite all his negative attributes, and he had some very memorable and funny scenes. Definitely lots of fun to play.
Marie on The Reach - In some ways Marie was the most grounded, most level-headed characters I've played. She was a Psychic/Wolfblood who was, at best, on the periphery of the werewolf sphere; the lion's share of her RP was with the Law sphere, and she had a lot of memorable adventures as a beat cop. Even as a police officer she was mainly professional and taciturn, and eventually her psychic abilities and gunplay skills grew to a level that she could beat down most run-of-the-mill Supers, but it was mainly the police RP that made her fun for me.
I always enjoyed Mad Jack, though I will admit my PC, (Hank) tended to get along with a lot of the violent types mainly because while he wanted to avoid violence his own temper never really let him. -
There was a Werewolf: the Forsaken game I played when I was 17 with my high school friends. It was a tabletop game around my mother's kitchen table, and we all knew each other, so a lot of the tensions that typically come with meeting new people on a MU* simply weren't there. That is, we could bust on each other and do memey shit without anybody getting too upset over it.
It took place in the Wild West, and I played as an escaped slave. My character ended up killing a majority of his owner's family very early on, allowing only two of them to live -- one of the sons of the plantation owner who my Elodoth regarded as "Honorable" for some reason that I forgot (it's been 12 years) and a granddaughter who was too young to really be responsible for much of anything.
That "Honorable" son ended up becoming a Sleepwalker with some Artifacts who kept on returning stronger and fighting less fair each time trying to avenge his family. He was one of the Pack's main antagonists, and I really liked how much sense it made given what we did in-game. Another main antagonist was some weird wolf-violence magath that was borne of all the violent shit we did, which also made sense in a really cool way. I liked our ST a lot.
I had a lot of fun in that game, because while I played a character who was on his face sympathetic, I made the character also do some pretty bad things, like the aforementioned mass murder. The Pack also took rather coercive measures to produce more Wolf-Blooded, most notably capturing a few small towns (under 20 people) and expelling the women who refused to have our kids into the wilderness, where they would very likely die, which I consider "bad" by modern -- or should I say, human -- moral standards. That said, I liked how there were other dimensions to it as well. For example, we were after all playing monsters in a horror game, so why shouldn't we treat the Herd as, well, a herd, to be commanded?
All-in-all, it was one of my favorite games.
The only two MUs that I ever truly got invested in were Firan and Arx. Before Firan, I played a few games casually, and on one of those games, somebody complained to me about the systems over in Firan. It sounded like exactly my jam. It was... Not perfect, but I was there for five years, something was working! In that time, there were a few standout characters.
Moyanet Firabi/Garkansen: When I apped her, my exact train of thought was "Oh, a child character is on roster, I'd better grab her before somebody else does." And than magic was born. A spoiled commoner that thought she was a princess, but also believed she was always sick and hated dirt, she was such a pain to so many people, but I loved playing her. She grew up into a hard working woman that managed to make a lot of social progress, despite not quite doing much of anything. She was one of those characters that playing became second nature, to the point where I didn't even want her to do half the things she was doing by the end, and I was just a helpless spectator to her antics. Shame Firan closed when it did, she had been laying down the groundwork for some awesome long-term plans.
Zhara Anirik: Oh my god Zhara was awesome. I can't take credit for that. She was played for nearly a decade before I came along and plucked her from the roster for no reason other than I wanted to have a character to take to war season. The week I grabbed her, the Dawn mansion was taken over by Shamis, and in the subsequent liberation, her daughter was the only casualty. It was only a child object, sure, but I got my start playing a warrior as a grieving mother. It humanized her very quickly, and made everything moving forward have that much more weight. In the end, I was the last Zhara, and as I always liked to say, she was the warrior so badass that the only one that could kill her was herself. When given the choice of failure or death, she chose death without a second glance, charged up those steps, planted those bombs, and laughed her ass off as the enemy captured her just as the bomb exploded and buried them all under a pile of rocks and rubble. If the previous players are reading this, I hope you feel that my send off of Zhara was worthy of her legacy!
Enigma: I really wish I'd had more time to play this character, she had a lot of secrets going on but she was so much fun to play. I wound up getting outmatched socially due to a lack of time and simply not having the ability to fake social skills as well as I can now. I like to think.I'd do her more justice if I played her today, but sadly only a few months after picking her up, Firan shut its doors, and that was that.
Now. Moving on to Arx I have to say, even though I'm playing her still...
Joslyn: I made her two days after first picking up Arx. I knew so little of theme, or what I was doing or what I wanted, I just liked the wanted posting and rolled her up. In the months I've had her, she's gone in directions I never would have foreseen, and let's be honest, so much of her life has been formed around tragedy at this point (many of which aren't rather private). Really, there's so much more to her than she shows on the surface and is the most fully realized and layered take on a character that I've ever had. I'm really hoping to move her story forward, because I've some plans! Feel free to hit me up in game!
I really loved playing Cassandra Cain on 'Brave and the Bold' for a long time. I had some hiccups in common sense because... well my brain does that, but by and large I like to think I played her super well, and the character really speaks to me for some reason.
Every game I tried to play her on since died within a month of me joining so, uh, I think it's cursed. Haven't tried in a long time.
@scar That was a glorious pairing. Especially since he seemed like such a good man on paper, an improvement from her terrible flings! (The things you don't know...) She could have fallen for him, but he fell to himself first. It was an awesome arc.
@three-eyed-crow The grandma I could have had... I seriously considered marrying into that family for Rebekkah scenes.
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@stabeest said in Characters You Enjoyed Playing:
Ianthe at Arx. She was a charming disaster that started out as this free spirit until she finds out a pretty crushing secret that completely broke her. RPing that out was difficult but it was one hell of a story with her making mistake after mistake because that revelation wounded her deeply enough that she couldn't figure out who she was supposed to be anymore. I would have loved to see more closure for her, but I think a tragic ending fits for how that story arc went. Not every story should have a happy ending.